When it comes to "terminal moneys', this Space Karen knows a thing or three. Twitter revenues are plummeting!
Wir sollten Elon #Musk nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen!
Musk hat in der #Ukraine aktiv ins Kriegsgeschehen eingegriffen – mit seiner Technologie. Das zeigt: Er besitzt eine ungeheure Macht. Mister #Tesla-Chef bestimmt mit #SpaceX, wo, wie und zu welchem Zweck Waffen eingesetzt werden.
Mit X, ehemals Twitter, kann er die öffentliche Meinung gezielt lenken, so wie er es für richtig hält.
Er forscht an mit #Neuralink an ins Gehirn implantierbaren Microchips.👇
#musk #ukraine #tesla #spacex #neuralink
Gizmodo: AI This Week: Elon Musk's AI-Dominated Future https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-x-artificial-intelligence-tesla-neuralink-opt-1850810835 #artificialgeneralintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #walterisaacson #michaelbrooks #joshhawley #neuralink #elonmusk #robotaxi #robotics #tuesday #chatgpt #google #openai #tesla #waymo #xai
#artificialgeneralintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #walterisaacson #michaelbrooks #joshhawley #neuralink #elonmusk #robotaxi #robotics #tuesday #chatgpt #google #openai #tesla #waymo #xai
Just a "first coffee of the morning thought": #Musk may be throwing up yet another childish smokescreen with his ADL nonsense to distract form the #Ukraine Starlink blackout he caused (in his biography) and other negative press.
Can #Musk switch off/control a #Tesla or #Neuralink as easily as a Starlink? (I don't like where you're going or thinking...off.)
#Musk has talked himself into yet anther lose-lose situation. Is #Musk a Russian asset? As well as antisemitic, etc.? Hmmmm.
#musk #ukraine #tesla #neuralink
01 Net: Bientôt tous équipés de puces sous la peau pour payer, ouvrir sa voiture, etc. ? https://www.01net.com/actualites/bientot-tous-equipes-de-puces-sous-la-peau-pour-payer-ouvrir-sa-voiture-etc.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #puceélectronique #Buzz,société #neuralink #puce #rfid
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #puceelectronique #buzz #neuralink #puce #rfid
I tuoi pensieri sono a rischio hacker! La neuro-legislazione ora non è più fantascienza
Le #tecnologie che influenzano direttamente il #sistema #nervoso non sono più #fantascienza. Diverse aziende li stanno #sviluppando, sperando di aiutare i pazienti con gravi malattie neurologiche.
Ad esempio, #Neuralink di #ElonMusk ha recentemente ricevuto il permesso di #testare un #impianto in miniatura che collega il #cervello umano a un computer.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#tecnologie #sistema #Nervoso #fantascienza #sviluppando #neuralink #elonmusk #Testare #impianto #cervello #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
@distractal I had someone unironically tell me that #ChatGPT and #Neuralink will save the human species by allowing us to upload our brains and escape as AIs on spaceships to #Mars. I wish I was kidding.
I am also really fed up with people framing "fixing" #ClimateChange as being about saving human civilization or the species itself. There is more to #Earth than one unexceptional primate species. This isn't just about us and our own self-absorbed narcissism.
#chatgpt #neuralink #mars #climatechange #earth
#Neuralink receives $280 million funding from a familiar name
Perspective by Dr. Kip Ludwig: What does the recent Neuralink FDA IDE really mean? https://neuromodec.org/2023/06/perspective-by-dr-kip-ludwig-what-does-the-recent-neuralink-fda-ide-really-mean/ #BCI #NeuroTech #Neuralink
About Elon Musk: "most the people I’ve talked to at Neuralink kind of laugh about his intellectual contributions to the project and view him as a piggy bank to be ignored after he leaves the room."
(paywalled: commercial hurdle) For BCIs, commercial hurdles may be bigger than scientific ones https://www.statnews.com/2023/08/04/brain-computer-interfaces-neuralink-synchron/ #BCI #NeuroTech #Neuralink
New book, Life Among AI-Controlled Citizens, available on LuLu & Amazon.... newworldwar.org/update361.htm #Transhumanism #Singularity #Neuralink #BrainLink #Geoengineering #Nanotechnology #SyntheticTelepathy #TargetedIndividuals #NewWorldWar #CivilMilitaryOperations #PsyOp #GangStalking #Swarming #AI #Slavery #GIG #C4ISR
#transhumanism #singularity #neuralink #BrainLink #geoengineering #nanotechnology #SyntheticTelepathy #targetedindividuals #NewWorldWar #civilmilitaryoperations #psyop #gangstalking #swarming #ai #slavery #gig #c4isr
#Neuralink from #ElonMusk received approval to do clinical trials on humans. Neuralink develops brain implants to treat diseases like alzheimer or paralysis.
Eventually the company wants to enhance the human capabilities through the combination of #AI with the brain.
I wonder what would happen, if u don’t have wifi 🤔
If you write code for your Neuralink chip and it starts to damage your brain, you're the only person you can blame (If it's not too late). #neuralink #elonmusk #elonmousk
#neuralink #elonmusk #elonmousk
Gizmodo: UN Warns Unregulated Neurotechnology Threatens 'Freedom of Thought' https://gizmodo.com/un-warns-neurotechnology-threatens-mental-privacy-1850647210 #braincomputerinterfacing #healthmedicalpharma #neurotechnology #internetprivacy #transhumanism #audreyazoulay #brainimplant #humanrights #neuralink #elonmusk #privacy #implant #gizmodo
#braincomputerinterfacing #healthmedicalpharma #neurotechnology #internetprivacy #transhumanism #audreyazoulay #brainimplant #humanrights #neuralink #elonmusk #privacy #implant #gizmodo
Elon Musk dostał zielone światło na testowanie neuralink na ludziach.
Mimo że testy na zwierzętach można tylko i wyłącznie porównać do znecania się nad zwierzętami i mordowaniem zwierząt.
Mimo że w testach wykazano wiele wad neralinku w tym przegrzewanie się urządzeń wszczepianych w zwierzęta.
Ale miliarderzy mogą więcej.
Już współczuję nowym "obiektom badawczym" I żałuję że Musk jest tchórzem i nie założy sobie własnej zabawki jako pierwszy
Initially, learning a foreign language is a royal pain, so why do people still do it and not wait for a #Neuralink #brain #implant? How is this different with brain implants for restoring #sight to the #blind?
#blind #sight #implant #brain #neuralink
#iTHiNKLabs Episode 267🔴https://rb.gy/7pse7
#ClimateChange #CyberSecurity #Neuralink #Taiwan #Android #Singapore #Twitter #Russia #Africa #InfoSec #Australia #Business #Leadership #Energy #DebtCeiling #Crypto #Travel #Military #Robotics #Fentanyl #Ukraine #Security #Bakhmut #ElonMusk #USA #Fediverse #Britain #AI #Politics #VoltTyphoon #BlackMastodon #NewZealand #Future #War #Canada #Biden #Tech #Drugs #Prigozhin #Train #CriticalInfrastructure #Smartphone #GOP #Construction #China▼
#ithinklabs #ClimateChange #CyberSecurity #neuralink #taiwan #android #singapore #twitter #russia #Africa #infosec #australia #business #leadership #energy #DebtCeiling #Crypto #travel #military #robotics #fentanyl #ukraine #security #Bakhmut #ElonMusk #usa #Fediverse #britain #ai #politics #volttyphoon #blackmastodon #newzealand #future #War #canada #biden #Tech #drugs #prigozhin #train #criticalinfrastructure #smartphone #gop #construction #china
#iTHiNKLabs Episode 267🔴https://rb.gy/7pse7
#Fentanyl #Ukraine #Security #Bakhmut #ElonMusk #USA #Fediverse #Britain #AI #Politics #VoltTyphoon #BlackMastodon #NewZealand #Future #War #Canada #Biden #Tech #Drugs #Prigozhin #Train #CriticalInfrastructure #Smartphone #GOP #Construction #ClimateChange #CyberSecurity #Neuralink #Taiwan #Android #Singapore #Twitter #Russia #Africa #InfoSec #Australia #Business #Leadership #Energy #DebtCeiling #Crypto #Travel #Military #Robotics #China▼
#ithinklabs #fentanyl #ukraine #security #bakhmut #elonmusk #usa #fediverse #britain #ai #politics #volttyphoon #blackmastodon #newzealand #future #war #canada #biden #tech #drugs #prigozhin #train #criticalinfrastructure #smartphone #gop #construction #climatechange #cybersecurity #neuralink #taiwan #android #singapore #twitter #russia #africa #infosec #australia #business #leadership #energy #debtceiling #crypto #travel #military #robotics #china