#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.9 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
@BenediktEhinger Per your request, there is the `lite` branch available, which is the equivalent of the `stable` branch but without graphical capabilities and their dependencies. To use the lite branch, you have to install it via Pkg:
using Pkg
using NeuroAnalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.8 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.6 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.5 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.4 has been released
among new features: #fNIRS data can be imported and processed
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #fNIRS #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.3 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer
comparing a very simple pipeline in EEGLAB vs #NeuroAnalyzer: importing 100 EDF files, HP and LP filtering, common average referencing, ~4× speedup in NeuroAnalyzer
#neuroanalyzer v0.23.02 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer
Julia 1.9.0-beta2 vs 1.8.4, some of my #NeuroAnalyzer benchmarks:
1.9: PSD: mw 23.9 seconds
1.8: PSD: mw 176.7 seconds
1.9 Spectrogram: mw 35.3 seconds
1.8 Spectrogram: mw 271.8 seconds
Wow! 👍
#neuroanalyzer v0.23.01 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#neuroanalyzer v0.22.12 has been released https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl #eeg #julialang
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer has been published in the Research Software Directory
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer has been published in the Research Software Directory https://research-software-directory.org/software/neuroanalyzer
#EEG #julialang
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#neuroanalyzer v0.22.11 has been released https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl #eeg #julialang
#julialang #eeg #neuroanalyzer