Music of 528 Hz but not control 440 hz has effect on autonomic nervous system (increase of oxytocin, decrease of cortisol). In other words music of 528 Hz lowers stress and let us feel comfortable.
#cortisol #oxytocin #BioScience #Music #stress #relax #Neurobiology #AutonomicNervousSystem
#cortisol #oxytocin #bioscience #music #stress #relax #neurobiology #autonomicnervoussystem
#Neurobiology @Nature A new type of brain cell #glutamatergicastrocyte has been discovered. It could help explain how a variety of neurodegenerative conditions #Parkinsons develop.
#neurobiology #glutamatergicastrocyte #Parkinsons
#Neurobiology @thelancet #Atogepant 30 mg twice a day and 60 mg once a day showed clinically relevant reductions in monthly #migraine days across 12 weeks in chronic migraine patients. Both atogepant doses were well tolerated, consistent with the known safety profile of atogepant.
#neurobiology #atogepant #migraine
The Autism Research Lab is looking for a postdoc and technician in Philly. We study the efficacy of peptides on neural circuits and behaviors using autism mouse models. Please email me at
#autism #asd #translationalresearch #neuroscience #neurobiology #postdoc #researchassistant #jobs
#autism #asd #translationalresearch #neuroscience #neurobiology #postdoc #researchassistant #jobs
Come for the microscopy - learn some neurobiology.
New paper from @christlet with great cytoskeleton imaging and some cool (3D-)STORM super-resolution microscopy.
#microscopy #neurobiology #SuperResolution
#neurobiology In The ASPREE trial randomised almost 20,000 healthy participants to regular aspirin or placebo and found higher all-cause mortality in the #aspirin group. no significant reduction in the incidence of #ischemicstroke in the #aspirin group vs placebo. Revisiting the role of aspirin in primary prevention: there isn’t one @BritishCardioSo
#neurobiology #aspirin #ischemicstroke
#IDMastodon #neurobiology Although #SarsCoV2 primarily affects the upper respiratory system and the lungs, it can also affect vasculature, leading to the impairment of endothelial and multi-organ function. 🦠 can trigger the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to disruption of tight junction proteins between endothelial cells and impairment of the blood-brain barrier
#IDMastodon #neurobiology #SarsCoV2
Interesting #neurobiology paper.
Neurons are very large, with mm to m often separating synapses from nucleus. So how do terminals rapidly make new protein, when these are encoded far away?
Local translation of mRNAs is one way, but that raises the question how mRNAs get to terminals. It is thought that localising RNAs contain 'zipcode' sequences, but not many of these have been found.
This paper now implicates mRNA stability as an important factor for localisation.
#neurobiology #NeurologicalDiseases #dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter that can provide an intense feeling of reward. It has been a long-standing assumption that most, if not all, #dopamineneurons solely respond to rewards or reward-predicting cues & control the movement. DN More Diverse than Previously Thought
#neurobiology #neurologicaldiseases #dopamine #dopamineneurons
#IDMastodon #Neurocovid #Neurobiology #viralimmunology #Neuroimmunology @cellpress #SARSCoV2 is associated with broad tissue tropism, a characteristic often determined by the availability of entry receptors on host cells. TMEM106B, a lysosomal transmembrane protein, can serve as an alternative receptor for 🦠 entry into ACE2-negative cells .
#IDMastodon #neurocovid #neurobiology #viralimmunology #neuroimmunology #SarsCoV2
@samilcase Welcome! Solidarity from Tacoma!
I love CO lived in Durango for a bit & left my heart there
➡️➡️ HASHTAGS are your friends here!!
Try #NeuroScience #neurobiology
Try #HashtagGames just for fun
Hashtag your interests AND hashtag your growth edges &/or political goals
#BlackMastodon #Antifascist
#NeuroScience #neurobiology #hashtaggames #blackmastodon #antifascist
If you are interested in molecular and cellular #neurobiology 🧠 and #preprints 📃, we invite you to join Crowd Preprint Review!
🧠 gain experience in #PeerReview,
🧠 give feedback to researchers,
🧠 read the most recent #preprints.
ASAPbio Fellows Kamaldeep Singh, Anna Oliveras, and Bhargy Sharma will lead the group. The team will review #preprints focusing on #neurodevelopment and #neurodegeneration.
#neurodegeneration #neurodevelopment #peerreview #preprints #neurobiology
Pls boost! Registration is open for a new one day U.K. meeting for neuronal and glial cell biology.
Inspired by successful one-day meetings such as the British Microtubule Meeting, we want a go-to event that is 1) focussed, 2) cheap to attend and 3) takes up minimal time.
Join us 15th of September in York. Talks selected from submitted abstracts with an emphasis on ECRs.
#neurobiouk #neurobiology #cellbiology #glialbiology
Hello! A new intro for a new instance.
I lead a research group trying to figure out axonal transport and neurodegeneration. A big emphasis on the microtubules and their motors, but really the transport of anything that doesn't have a membrane around it. For this we use a lot of single molecule methods and live cell imaging. I also post about research culture.
#introduction #kinesin #dynein #microtubules #neurodegeneration #AxonalTransport #neurobiology #SingleMolecule #CellBiology
#introduction #kinesin #dynein #microtubules #neurodegeneration #axonaltransport #neurobiology #singlemolecule #cellbiology
Receiving feedback on the #preprint is one of the most valuable features of posting #preprints.
If you have posted your manuscript as a preprint and want to receive feedback, we want to hear from you!
Categories of #research topic we are looking for:
🧪 Molecular and cellular #neurobiology
🧪 #CancerBiology
🧪 Computational #neuroscience:
🧪 Meta-research
🧪 #Metabolism
Please email if you are interested.
#metabolism #neuroscience #cancerbiology #neurobiology #research #preprints #preprint
Have you posted a #preprint and would like to receive feedback?
We are calling on authors of preprints to submit their preprints to be reviewed by researchers as a part of the Crowd Preprint Review!
Categories of #research topic we are looking for:
🧪 Molecular and cellular #neurobiology
🧪 #CancerBiology
🧪 Computational #neuroscience:
🧪 Meta-research
🧪 #Metabolism
Details in
If you would like to receive valuable feedback, please email
#metabolism #neuroscience #cancerbiology #neurobiology #research #preprint
Lets discover all about #biology #cellbiology #neurobiology #genetics #molecular_genetics and other biology stuff!
#biology #neurobiology #genetics #dna #moleculargenetics #cellbiology #science #proscience #chemics #TheMysteriesOfScience #TheMysteriesOfGenetics #sleepyicedragon #sleepyicedragonRNDM #genes
#biology #cellbiology #neurobiology #genetics #molecular_genetics #dna #moleculargenetics #science #proscience #chemics #themysteriesofscience #themysteriesofgenetics #sleepyicedragon #sleepyicedragonrndm #genes
#WorldMusicDay 🎼
Marie Herzfeld-Schild @mdwwien & Elaine Chew @KingsCollegeLon join forces to show music's influences on human emotions through the ages & how it works via modern tech.
#neurobiology #cardiovasculardiseases @HorizonMagEu
#WorldMusicDay #neurobiology #CardiovascularDiseases
Groundbreaking science, published in prestigious journals: Ilaria Vitali and Johannes Kappel receive the Young Scientist Award for their outstanding scientific publications! Read more about their research:
#youngscientistsaward #maxplanck #maxplanckinstitute #scicomm #wisskomm #neurobiology #zebrafish #scienceaward #research #science #ScienceMastodon
#youngscientistsaward #maxplanck #maxplanckinstitute #scicomm #wisskomm #neurobiology #zebrafish #scienceaward #research #science #sciencemastodon
Are you a neuroscientist looking to advance your research? Consider applying for the 2023 Eppendorf & Science Prize for #Neurobiology.
Learn more and apply: #press