The #neurodiv urge to buy every messenger bag I love in multiple colors/buy two copies of each color in case I wake up one day and they're not sold anymore
- #comics (#batman #superman
#avengers #xmen #marvel
- #history (#rome #tudors
#plantagenets #stuarts #georgians)
- #cooking
- #crafts (#sewing #crochet)
- #cats & #dogs
- #chromebooks & #kindles
- #gaming (#minecraft & #DOOM/#DOOM2016)
- #fandom (#wwdits #archer
#hHarleyQuinn #futurama #StarWars)
Part of
- #BlackMastodon
- #QueerMastodon (#bisexual #asexual
#queer #agender #enby #nonbinary)
- #NeuroDiv (#autism #adhd
#anxiety #ptsd)
#comics #batman #superman #avengers #xmen #marvel #dccomics #history #rome #tudors #plantagenets #stuarts #georgians #cooking #crafts #sewing #crochet #cats #dogs #chromebooks #kindles #gaming #minecraft #doom #fandom #wwdits #archer #hharleyquinn #futurama #starwars #blackmastodon #queermastodon #bisexual #asexual #queer #agender #enby #nonbinary #neurodiv #autism #adhd #anxiety #ptsd
My friend is a Vet in training, and he said this about #MentalIllness & #Neurodiversity, and it kindda touches me.
#MentalIllness #neurodiversity #neurodiv #MentalHeath #mentalhealthmatters
Proposal: I think the opposite of neurodivergent ought to be neuro*convergent*, because "neurotypical" people are still different from each other, they're just close enough to "the norm" that they're able to (train themselves to) converge on it
#neurodiv #neurodivergent #neurotypical #brainweird #neuroweird
#neurodiv #neurodivergent #neurotypical #brainweird #neuroweird
My 7th grader who has ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia, just made all A's her first quarter, with Japanese as a high school credit. She's come a long way since first grade.
#neurodivergentedition #neurodiversequad #neurodiv #proudmom