Dear wife,
Maybe if you wouldn’t bitch at me for using a pen and paper to stim, I wouldn’t use my phone to stim.
On #Apple #VisionPro I wonder how many false gestures will be recorded by #neurodiverseSquad users who might fidget/stim or tic with their hands. But so far I’m liking this. #wwdc
#apple #visionpro #neurodiversesquad #wwdc
I'm going to have to just accept the reality that #Concerta doesn't work particularly well for me. Why is that so hard to acknowledge? Now I need to decide whether to go back to #Adderall which at least kind of works, or keep trying to find something better. Anything but Vyvanse or wellbutrin. Are Concerta and Ritalin LA so similar as to make trying #Ritalin LA pointless? Since They have the same active ingredient, I'd guess yes. #ADHD #AuDHD #NeurodiverseSquad
#concerta #Adderall #ritalin #adhd #AuDHD #neurodiversesquad
Having one of those days where I'm asking my brain to focus and my brain is like, "Focus? Never heard of her."
#neurodiversesquad #neurodivergent #adhd
I am starting work at 11am on Mondays and Wednesdays and my ADHD Brain is confused by the broken daily routine. #neurodiversesquad #adhd
I've been off work for two weeks. The imposter syndrome is reminding me that on Monday I'll log in to find that while I was away, they have worked out that I'm full of shit and know nothing.
#neurodiversesquad #adhd #devops #platformengineering #tech
ADHD. I have plenty of good ideas, plenty of time, and no drive to implement them at all. #adhd #neurodiversesquad
Auf der einen Seite wird neurodivergenten Menschen sehr häufig der Tipp gegeben, es doch mal mit dieser oder jener Entspannungstechnik zu probieren. Auf der anderen Seite ist es vor allem mit ADHS besonders schwer, sich auf gedankliche Techniken wie Traumreisen oder Meditation einzulassen. Yoga ist eine gute Möglichkeit, achtsam zu sein und sich durch die Bewegung weniger von Gedanken ablenken zu lassen. Welche Techniken nutzt ihr gerne für euch?
#ADHS #Yoga #NeurodiverseSquad
#ADHS #yoga #neurodiversesquad
Es gibt zwei Arten mit ADHS zu Reisen. Ich bin normalerweise der Typ "akribische Planung", aber kann mittlerweile je nach Kontext auch mal ganz spontan der andere Typ sein.
Welcher Typ seid ihr? Oder gibt es noch weitere Arten?
I can’t wait to dig into this 🤗
“We’re NOT broken…just beautifully different!” - Me ♾️🌈
#neurodiversity #neurodiversityatwork #neurodiversesquad
I can’t wait to dig into this 🤗
“We’re NOT broken…just beautifully different!” - Me ♾️🌈
#neurodiversity #neurodiversityatwork #neurodiversesquad
#AppleAndOnion S1E11 ("Apple's Focus") is great #ADHD representation. It's silly and lighthearted, while it also conveying the difficult relationship we have with our ability to direct our focus.
They did a really good job showing how it can be frustrating for others that rely on us, how it impacts us to feel like we're letting them down despite the fact that we mean well and try as hard as we can, and then the story ties it all up nicely by demonstrating how we can take control of our focus again by working with our brains instead of against them.
This show is criminally underappreciated. These 12-minute episodes of a goofy children's cartoon are shockingly good at conveying the #neurodivergent experience in a way that is relatable and compassionate without taking itself too seriously. And of course, it's very accessible for children.
#appleandonion #adhd #neurodivergent #ADHDers #autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodiversesquad
My top neurodivergent love language is def infodumping. lol
#ADHD #ADHDMemes #ActuallyAutistic #Autistic #NeurodiverseSquad #Neurodivergent
#adhd #adhdmemes #actuallyautistic #autistic #neurodiversesquad #neurodivergent
Omg I just discovered a cartoon called, "Apple and Onion."
It is about an apple with ADHD and an Autistic green onion who are best friends and they have an apartment together in the city. It is hilarious.
In the first episode, it details how Apple and Onion meet, and there is a part where they both lose their shoes due to misadventures around their particular neurotypes, and they are both walking toward the same shoe store in just their socks and for some reason it made me want to cry. lol Like, just two neurodivergent produce items struggling to figure out how to live on their own and they find each other. Even with different neurotypes, they have shared experiences to bond over. It was oddly really sweet.
I love this show now. It is on Hulu, and I highly recommend it for neurodivergent adults and children alike.
#adhd #autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodiversesquad
Auf dem Blog möchte ich eine kleine Kategorie zu Alltagshelferlein machen, die uns neurodivergenten Menschen helfen können, uns besser zu organisieren. Bisher habe ich einen Beitrag zum Time Timer erstellt.
Was nutzt ihr noch so?
The thought of doing that on a regular basis plus learning new skills feels super intimidating to me. I'm not sure I have the energy/brain stamina to do that. Last year I really only worked on 3 songs, trying to get them up to a professional level, and it feels like it's not going to get easier. I feel like I'm never going to get faster/more efficient at this thanks to the #ADHD
#musicproduction #music #ADHDer #NeuroDiverseSquad #musician
#adhd #musicproduction #music #ADHDer #neurodiversesquad #musician
I don't know what my deal is lately but I just feel so exhausted all the time. I think it's #ADHD and realizing it took me SO LONG just to get one song up to an (almost) acceptable level where I feel ready to release it. And the thought of having to do that over and over (plus "marketing" which mostly means being active on socials, ugh) for every release...I think my body and mind are rebelling against that idea in advance, hahah.
#musicproduction #ADHDer #NeuroDiverseSquad #music #musician
#adhd #musicproduction #ADHDer #neurodiversesquad #music #musician
I keep forgetting that memory issues are an #ADHD thing.
#adhd #ADHDer #adhdmems #neurodivergent #neurodiversesquad
My meds have worn off, and now I absolutely cannot Do The Thing™️
#ADHDmemes #ADHD #ADHDer #NeuroDiverseSquad #Neurodivergent #meds #DoTheThing
#adhdmemes #adhd #ADHDer #neurodiversesquad #neurodivergent #meds #dothething
Auf der alten Instanz hatte ich schon mal gepostet, wie ich versehentlich einen neurodivers-freundlichen Kalender machte: Schon bevor ich von meinem ADHS ahnte, habe ich bemerkt, dass ich mit normalen Kalendern nicht klarkomme. So habe ich mir irgendwann einen Filofax zugelegt und einfach genau den Kalender gebaut, den ich brauchte. Vielleicht nutzt er ja auch jemand von euch. Ihr könnt ihn hier herunterladen und ausdrucken:
#ADHS #NeurodiverseSquad