Näkemys / arvio Kirjolla -sarjasta
#TunneAutismi #autismitietoisuus #WAAD #AutismAwarenessMonth
#neurodiversiteettiviikko #neurovähemmistöt #autistit #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek #NeurodiversityWeek
#tunneautismi #autismitietoisuus #waad #autismawarenessmonth #neurodiversiteettiviikko #neurovahemmistot #autistit #neurodiversitycelebrationweek #neurodiversityweek
RT @CANDDID1@twitter.com
Throughout #NeurodiversityWeek we’ll be sharing the informational videos from our series on: 'Understanding and Managing ADHD', produced with @cwpnhs@twitter.com and @ADHDFoundation@twitter.com.
Watch the first video ‘What is ADHD?’ with Dr Tony Lloyd: http://bit.ly/3ZZAgWU
For this year's #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek, I'm dedicating time to learning about divergent neurotypes *other* than the divergence I personally have (autism).
To start, I'm reading "The Dyslexic Advantage" by Drs Brock & Fernette Eide which discusses #dyslexia from a perspective of strengths rather than deficits.
If we wish to advocate for neurodivergent people we must include ALL divergent neurotypes.
#Neurodiversity #NeurodiversityWeek #Neurodivergent #Neurodivergence
#neurodivergence #neurodivergent #neurodiversityweek #neurodiversity #dyslexia #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek
As part of
#NeurodiversityWeek @NCWeek@twitter.com @NDinBusiness@twitter.com are you aware the @bcs@twitter.com now has a neurodiversity group? @NeuroDiverseIT@twitter.com
More info https://www.bcs.org/membership-and-registrations/member-communities/neurodiverseit-specialist-group/ @mattbellringer@twitter.com
RT @PankajSelva@twitter.com
Let's work towards a world where Neurodiversity is celebrated and accommodated in all aspects of life. Join me in supporting #NeurodiversityWeek 2023 which is a worldwide initiative that challenges misconceptions.
Find out more: https://bit.ly/3FmeMMa
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PankajSelva/status/1635268478473994240