👉Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NENs) are rare tumors but show a rising incidence in the last years.
#Neuroendocrinetumors #NETS
They arise from the diffuse neuroendocrine system, mainly at the lung, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.
#letstalkaboutnets 2/n
#letstalkaboutnets #nets #neuroendocrinetumors
What a great & exciting moment to get together in person again at the #ENETS Advisory Board in #Brussels !!
ENETS president Eva Tiensuu-Janson and AB Chair Christos Toumpanakis start!
Fighting together against #neuroendocrinecancer #neuroendocrinetumors #nets
Let’s go!! 🛫🔝💪🏼
#nets #neuroendocrinetumors #neuroendocrinecancer #brussels #enets
I am Justo Castaño, a cell biologist working at the Maimónides Biomedical Research Institute of Córdoba #IMIBIC and the University of Córdoba(Spain).
My group studies Hormones and Cancer, with special focus on the role of RNA #splicing and surveillance in #Neuroendocrinetumors #NETs of the lung 🫁 pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, as well as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma #PDAC and pituitary tumors.
A short view of the team:
#PDAC #nets #neuroendocrinetumors #splicing #imibic