And of course lifestyle, or rather, ecological niche specialisation, tilts the vision-olfaction trade off, here in wasps:
“Differential investment in visual and olfactory brain regions is linked to the sensory needs of a wasp social parasite and its host”, by Rozanski et al. 2021
This work compared the eusocial wasp Polistes dominula with its obligate social parasite Polistes sulcifer.
#NeuroEvo #neuroscience #entomology #Hymenoptera #wasplove #wasps #Polistes
#polistes #wasps #wasplove #hymenoptera #entomology #neuroscience #neuroevo
The tradeoff between vision and olfaction has been studied in flies. There’s a strain of Drosophila melanogaster that’s been reared in the dark for decades: the so-called “dark flies”. Here, the authors examine the effect of rearing “dark flies” in the light for 1 and for 65 generations, and observe how brain regions for vision are boosted even within 1 generation:
“Back to the light, coevolution between vision and olfaction in the “Dark-flies” (Drosophila melanogaster)”
Özer & Carle 2020
#neuroevo #evolution #drosophila #darkflies #neuroscience
"Phylogenetic tracing of midbrain-specific regulatory sequences suggests single origin of eubilaterian brains", by Schuster and Hirth, 2023
A genetic signature of bilateral animals with brains, including "a genetic boundary separating the rostral from caudal nervous systems, demonstrated for the metameric brains of annelids, arthropods, and chordates and the asegmental cycloneuralian and urochordate brain"
In other words, the genetic toolkit of the ancestor of both protostomes (arthropods, nematodes, molluscs and annelids) and deuterostomes (echinoderms and vertebrates) – the eubilaterian.
#evolution #neuroevo #evodevo #devbiol #neuroscience
Today is the last day to apply to the neuro-evo conference at #HHMIJanelia!
Dates: May 15-18, 2023.
#NeuroEvo #Janelia #HHMI #conference #neuroscience #connectomics #DevBio #EvoDevo
#evodevo #devbio #connectomics #neuroscience #conference #HHMI #Janelia #neuroevo #HHMIJanelia
Neuro-evo conference at HHMI Janelia on May 15-18, 2023.
Application deadline: January 27, 2023
Apply here: https://www.
"this meeting will bring together neuroscientists working on a broad diversity of animal models in an effort to compare circuits across phyla as a means to crack their function."
#NeuroEvo #Janelia #HHMI #conference #science #neuroscience #DevBio #connectomics #connectome
#connectome #connectomics #devbio #neuroscience #science #conference #HHMI #Janelia #neuroevo
Neuro-evo conference at HHMI Janelia on May 15-18, 2023. Join us for the 3rd edition!
Application deadline: Jan 27 (11:59 p.m. EST) 2023.
"The third instalment of this meeting will once again bring together neuroscientists working on a broad diversity of animal models in an effort to compare circuits across phyla as a means to crack their function."
#NeuroEvo #Janelia #HHMI #conference #science #academia #neuroscience #DevBio #connectomics #connectome
#connectome #connectomics #devbio #neuroscience #academia #science #conference #HHMI #Janelia #neuroevo