#IDMastodon #Neurolgy @BrainBehavImm Interesting Rsearch on Cognitive deficits are frequently reported as one of the major symptoms of #postCOVID19syndrome or #LongCovid in unvaccinated patients
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889159123000065
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/brain-behavior-and-immunity
#IDMastodon #neurolgy #postcovid19syndrome #LongCovid
#IDMastodon #Neurolgy #CaseReports #COVID19 Still Surprising Us—A Rare Movement Disorder — Stiff-person syndrome Induced by Infection. This 1is the first description of reversible global muscle rigidity, including limb and axial muscles, with superimposed muscle spasms in the context of #SarsCoV2 infection.
#IDMastodon #neurolgy #CaseReports #COVID19 #SarsCoV2
#Neurolgy #neuroscience Lecanemab slows speed of cognitive decline, but possible links to serious brain hemorrhages concern and new antibody treatment for Alzheimer’s, safety and benefit questions persist @aaas