Todays #BooksandBrews is Gibson, #Neuromancer! I’m writing #CyberpunkRed next week and my brain is in overdrive. Stay frosty Chooms.
#booksandbrews #neuromancer #CyberpunkRED
found a paying gig
night shifts in Chiba City
numbing as ever
#haiku #cyberpunk #neuromancer #jobs #union
@lauren Calls to mind The Finn, from @GreatDismal 's Sprawl trilogy - #Neuromancer and sequels.
And another character.
Reading Gibson's sprawl trilogy. "Pollock was down again...[the man] was speaking with a broker in New York, arranging the purchase of a certain number of 'points' of the work of a particular artist"
That's totally a thing I've seen tech bros talk about doing IRL in 2023. One might say that's an obvious outcome of digital life but I reckon Gibson was pretty prophetic in his attention to detail 35 years ago. #scifi #scifibooks #neuromancer
#scifi #scifibooks #neuromancer
Essa fanart do #Case, de #Neuromancer, que fiz há um tempinho nunca deixa de receber reblogue ou like no #Tumblr e eu não entendo.
Tiens un débat qu'on a depuis longtemps avec @solimanhindy concernant le roman #Neuromancer (Neuromancien) de William Gibson, sur son style d'écriture particulier rendant la compréhension de ce qui se passe parfois un peu difficile.
Ça serait bien un peu la faute de la VF , apparemment une nouvelle version de la traduction a été faite en 2020 !
#Introduction post for new instance!
Reformed Slacker
Progressive Pragmatist
Trade Unionist
Shitty Novelist
Musical Polyamorist
Fan of all the worst teams
Crime Aficionado
Expat from the Fascist State of Ohio (explains above)
#CWA #NewsGuild #WFP
#ProgRock #Psychedelic
#Browns #CBJ #COYS #Crew
#Rebus #Bosch #HarryHole
#SnowCrash #Neuromancer
#introduction #cwa #newsguild #wfp #progrock #psychedelic #browns #cbj #coys #crew #rebus #bosch #harryhole #snowcrash #neuromancer
So, there is this bazilian edition of #Neuromancer which has the best cover I have so far seen for that book.
I already own an english copy of it and I don't speak portugese. Should I still try to buy it, just to have the nice cover in my bookshelf?
MOLLY: How smart's an AI?
CASE: Depends. Some aren't much smarter than dogs. Pets. Cost a fortune anyway. The real smart ones are smart as the Turing heat will let em get.
M: You're a cowboy. How come you aren't just flat-out fascinated w/those things?
C: For starts, they're rare. Most of them are military, the bright ones, & we can't crack the ice. That's where ice all comes from, you know? And then there's the Turing cops & that's bad heat. I dunno, it just isn't part of the trip.
"My guess, Case, you're going in there to cut the hard-
wired shackles that keep this baby from getting any smarter.
"See, those things, they can work real hard, buy
themselves time to write cookbooks or whatever, but the min-
ute, I mean the nanosecond, that one starts figuring out ways
to make itself smarter, Turing'll wipe it. Nobody trusts those
fuckers, you know that. Every Al ever built has an electro-
magnetic shotgun wired to its forehead.”
#ai #neuromancer
RT @AthenaAI2
To understand how prescient Gibson was in creating #Neuromancer - realize that the entire plot is an #AI using the information it has gathered about individuals to then play them against each other so that in pursuing their own interests the AI gets what it wants.
THE FINN: You're looking at a very quiet, very eccentric 1st-gen high-orbit family, run like a corp. Big money, shy of media. Lot of cloning.
Smith decided to forget about it. Maybe he was smart.
#Neuromancer #WilliamGibson
THE FINN: I got a little story about them…Haven't ever told anybody
[The story he told Case & Molly began w/another man's story, a man he called Smith. He had come to the Finn w/a request for help, 1 businessman 2 another.
Then an unannounced visitor walked right through the elaborate maze of Smith's security. A small man, Japanese, enormously polite, who bore all the marks of a vat-grown ninja assassin. Smith sat very still, staring into the calm brown eyes of death.
@lalau one of the most inspiring and long time influential works of sci-fi literature. The Neuromancer.
#neuromancer #bookrecommendations #scifi
@davidshq See also my #Neuromancer inspired near-future speculative take on this aspect:
Book 10 of the #GoodreadsChallenge (yes, I missed a couple!) was William Gibson's sci-fi classic #Neuromancer.
It was an interesting read - you can really see how it influenced so much of our media with regards to #VirtualReality and the #Matrix as ideas. It's a little difficult to follow in places, but fascinating to see what the 1980s thought of the future! A major influence that's worth jacking into 😉
#Booktodon #Reading #SciFi #Action #FutureTech #Technology #ArtificialIntelligence #AI
#goodreadschallenge #neuromancer #virtualreality #matrix #booktodon #reading #scifi #action #FutureTech #technology #artificialintelligence #ai
Neuromancer repeats the word "flatline" 46 times.
And the sentence "the flatline said" is repeated 18 times.
it means jack shit, but was kind of annoying getting "flatline" this, and "flatline" that throughout the whole book.
Still interesting though, with all the influence on the Cyberpunk genre, Blade Runner, The Matrix, and everything else that came from that.
#literature #williamgibson #neuromancer