Bruce Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
168 followers · 240 posts · Server
Bruce Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
169 followers · 232 posts · Server

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Spent the weekend recovering from and yearning for intimacy, both of which are ongoing processes.

On Friday, the Senate passed a ban that excludes , so I’ll probably write a piece explaining why there’s no without

In short, I long for

#burnout #minnesota #conversiontherapy #neurominorities #queerliberation #neurodivergentliberation #freedom

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
156 followers · 156 posts · Server

Modern stems from , a manifestation of which is , a system of rewards and punishments pioneered by O. Ivar Lovaas in the early 1960s to try to make and otherwise kids “indistinguishable from their peers.”

Many are also members of the + community, as we experience and by extension express , , and differently.

Thus, is not only , it’s also , , , , and a ton of other things because there are obviously neurodivergent people in every minority group.

#conversiontherapy #behaviorism #abaabuse #ucla #psychologist #autistic #neurodivergent #neurominorities #lgbtqia #gender #Sexuality #romance #aba #neuralist #queerphobic #racist #classist #sexist #fuckaba #abaharms #abaisabuse #YesAllABA #SayNoToABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #pbsfails #abolishbehaviorism #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #thursdaythoughts #thursdayvibes

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
128 followers · 96 posts · Server

To dispel the myth that people don’t get irony, I think it’s incredibly ironic that the enforcers of dehumanize by calling our behaviors “unhealthy.” And they say we lack self-awareness. You projectors belong in a cinema.

#autistic #neuronormativity #neurominorities #actuallyautistic #sundayvibes

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
109 followers · 68 posts · Server

If truly cared about improving the health and well-being of people, they wouldn’t be behaviorists; they’d be neurodivergent-affirming practitioners. Quit disparaging activists and defending pseudoscience that’s been used to reduce democracy and oppress minority groups for 70-ish years.

#behaviorists #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurominorities #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #saturdaynight #saturdayvibes #abaharms #abaisabuse #SayNoToABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #AutisticLiberation #neurodivergentliberation

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce W. Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
95 followers · 62 posts · Server

@JoelN Minority groups have been wrongfully pathologized to justify social hierarchies under for centuries. Indeed, it wasn’t until May 17, 1990 that the World Health Organization depathologized homosexuality. The pathologization of , on the other hand, persists. As a consequence, , a pseudoscientific ideology designed to enforce compliance, lives on in dehumanizing practices like Applied Behavior Analysis and its insidious derivatives. Indeed, even grading is a behaviorist method, for it rewards obedience. Please read or listen to my latest post on Medium to learn why we must democratize and replace behaviorism with pedagogy.

#capitalism #neurominorities #behaviorism #education #neuroqueer #solidarityforever #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #queer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #socialjustice #mondaymotivation

Last updated 2 years ago

JyrkiKuoppala · @JyrkiKuoppala
499 followers · 2 posts · Server
Bruce W. Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
89 followers · 52 posts · Server

What the enforcers of fear the most is a free, self-educating class of that can dismantle their house of cards with ease
Indeed, they perceive us to be “dangerous” only because we threaten their job security
Long live the

#neuronormativity #neurominorities #neuroqueerresistance #actuallyautistic #autisticpoetry #mondaymorning #mondaymotivation

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce W. Wenzel · @brucewwenzel
71 followers · 35 posts · Server

If you don’t apply standpoint theory to , you’re not a feminist; you’re complicit. people who’re well-versed in the paradigm are the experts on the long-discredited pseudoscientific ideology that is behaviorism, not the behaviorists who reap the rewards of the multibillion-dollar ABA industry and are, to quote Alicia Broderick and Robin Roscigno, one of “four different networks of players” that make up the marketplace of the Industrial Complex. Just as the was (and still is) complicit in perpetuating the and the , so, too, is it guilty of perpetuating the . I’m burned out and sick of seeing contradictions in terms like “feminist behaviorist.” For there’s no such thing. What’s the point of pursuing a degree in, say, and Women’s Studies if, in order to get it, your department forces you to do things that’d make bell hooks roll over in her grave? For those of you who feel super self-conscious about not getting into your dream college or post-graduate program, as somebody who’s been in graduate school for three years, let me assure you that there are scores of people in who couldn’t think themselves out of a paper bag. That’s precisely why they got in, because they’re obedient. Hence the complicity. What disappoints me the most is when my own offer their support, only to turn around and betray me.

#feminist #neurominorities #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #academic #autism #FeministMovement #WarOnRace #WarOnQueerness #WarOnNeurodivergence #gender #academia #neurokin #SilenceIsViolence

Last updated 2 years ago

· @JyrkiKuoppala
272 followers · 1 posts · Server
JyrkiKuoppala · @JyrkiKuoppala
1 followers · 1 posts · Server
JyrkiKuoppala · @JyrkiKuoppala
273 followers · 229 posts · Server