For #actuallyAutistic folks who want to thrive in a #neuroNormative society, it is important to understand what allistics find funny.
You can reliably make young children giggle by saying “Poop! Pee!”
You can reliably make IT consultants in midlife crisis who make 100k a year giggle by saying “penetration test”.
#actuallyautistic #neuronormative #servicetoot
Body language isn't a mirror of one's feeling. It's just an "automatic" answer to the #neuronormative. All our body moves are conditioned by the society we are living in.
Even dogs behave differently when they aren't in contact with humans.
The only science in #BodyLanguage is to see whether someone changes feelings. Or sometimes to understand neurotypical people, that is maximum 80 to 85% of the population.
#Neurodiversity #ActuallyAutistic
#neuronormative #bodylanguage #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic
I'm learning that asking a colleague if their colleague's kid feels better (fever) is not the #neuronormative.
#neuronormative #actuallyautistic
Teaching to the test/curriculum is a #neuronormative practice.
To quote @alfiekohn, “Every hour spent on such exam preparation is an hour not spent helping students to become critical, creative, curious learners.”
#Ungrading is one of many ways we can/must #neuroqueer pedagogy.
#FridayMorning #FridayFeeling #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation #Academia #Education #School #Learning #CriticalPedagogy #Neurodiversity #Neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #Unlearning #FridayFun
#neuronormative #ungrading #neuroqueer #fridaymorning #fridayfeeling #fridaythoughts #fridaymotivation #academia #education #school #learning #CriticalPedagogy #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #Unlearning #fridayfun
On #HolocaustRemembranceDay, we must remind everybody that the pathologization and murder of the #Autistic population emerged from the #neuronormative beliefs enforced by the Third Reich.
The seemingly endless list of enterprises that perpetuate these beliefs include, but are certainly not limited to: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, World Health Organization, Google, Autism Speaks, Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Association for Behavior Analysts International, Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysis, Fraser, Caravel Autism Health, and pretty much every school in the world.
#holocaustremembranceday #autistic #neuronormative
The #neuronormative is that you have to live with a plague, with the fear of having to work and being infected because of it.
This is today's society, a contemporary #dystopia.
Adapting to the neuro-normative will lead anyone to a life of fear and death.
We don't have to accept that.
Join #MaskUp
It's free and there are no leaders.
Definition of dystopia:
"A very bad or unjust society in which there is much suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future".
#neuronormative #dystopia #maskup
I was lucky enough to meet a Buddhist monk once.
I was talking about my eco-anxiety, which is very much related to my feelings about this #pandemic.
He told me that I am in a healthy process of #adaptation and evolution.
And it's true, I am #autistic and my whole life has been about fitting into neuronormativity.
The #neuronormative itself talks about collapse, cataclysm, etc.
I just think I'm adapting to something that is much healthier for my planet.
Where we are #interdependent with any life.
#Pandemic #adaptation #autistic #neuronormative #interdependent
As founding president of the #Neurodiversity Activists and Graduate Studies Senator of the 90th Student Government, I want all my #neurokin who’ve survived #ABAabuse to know that I #AmWriting a #NewYearsResolution to #AbolishBehaviorism and transform #Minnesota State #Mankato (formerly Mankato Normal School) into a #neuroqueer university wherein, to quote #queer #Autistic scholar @DrNicky, there will be “no such thing as neurotypicality, no such thing as a ‘normal mind.’”
This will require converting the #neuronormative #capitalist enterprise into a #WorkerOwned #cooperative that, as Walker told Dora Raymaker in 2021, “accepts and welcomes neurocognitive differences in experience, communication, and embodiment in the same sort of enlightened way that a cosmopolitan individual accepts and welcomes cultural differences in dining habits.”
#ABAharms #ABAisAbuse #YesAllABA #FuckABA #SayNoToABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #PBSfails #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayVibes
#neurodiversity #neurokin #abaabuse #amwriting #NewYearsResolution #abolishbehaviorism #minnesota #mankato #neuroqueer #queer #autistic #neuronormative #capitalist #workerowned #cooperative #abaharms #abaisabuse #YesAllABA #fuckaba #SayNoToABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #pbsfails #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #saturdaymorning #saturdayvibes
Words are insufficient to express my multiply #neurodivergent sensory experience
But "November" by #MaxRichter certainly does it justice
May my #neurokin listen and rejoice as they relinquish their adherence to #neuronormative performance
#ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #AutisticPoetry #FridayFeeling #FridayVibes #NeurodivergentLiberation
#neurodivergent #maxrichter #neurokin #neuronormative #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #autisticpoetry #fridayfeeling #fridayvibes #neurodivergentliberation
@samhkennedy Here I was thinking Mastodon was a safer place than the bird site, or other performative platforms. A place where I could take off my mask and be a little vulnerable and honest about how I experience the world.
Judging from your reply, it seems like that’s not the case.
Do you see how you’re doing the same thing my supervisor does? I’m talking you carefully through my thought process, and you jump to the conclusion that I need or want help.
I am a professional writer and editor, and I teach writing and editing. I already think intensely about the practice of writing and I don’t need tips.
Your reply shamed me. It made me feel patronised and belittled in the same way my supervisor does. Maybe, like her, you didn’t realise that’s what you were doing.
Please reflect on your communication practices, as I’ve been doing, rather than trying to dictate to me how to feel. That’s a #neuronormative practice and I’m trying to evade that here.
It would seem that an #Introduction is in order. Greetings, fellow #Mastodon and #fediverse users!
My name is Bruce W. Wenzel. I’m a nearly 26-year-old #neuroqueer master’s student in #sociology at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I’m also the founding president of the #Neurodiversity Activists at MSU, Mankato and Senator of Graduate Studies in Student Government.
I’m on a mission to learn to guide humanity to climb the Kardashev scale and thereby transcend capitalism and the Big Freeze. Unfortunately, the enforcers of #neuronormativity have held me back from realizing my true potential.
That’s why I’ve organized a grassroots campaign to ban all forms of #ConversionTherapy, including behaviorism, which manifests in Applied Behavior Analysis and its insidious derivatives. I don’t tolerate intolerance, so I’ll be unapologetically forthright in my opposition to pathologizing neurominorities to justify social hierarchies under capitalism.
Like #ActuallyAutistic physicist Albert Einstein, I believe that “The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is … the real source of the evil.” Hence why I advocate converting #neuronormative capitalist enterprises, particularly public colleges and universities, into #neurocosmopolitan worker cooperatives, so that we can produce what @jornbettin termed “the agents of a well functioning cultural immune system within human society.”
You can find links to my work under the “About” section of my profile. I’m especially proud of independently coining the terms “institutional neuralism” and “neurological battle fatigue,” which are the neurodiversity-equivalents of institutional racism and racial battle fatigue. For the record, I believe that one’s neurocognitive style should, like one’s gender identity, sexual orientation, or romantic orientation, be discovered, not diagnosed.
Thanks for reading!
#Introduction #mastodon #fediverse #neuroqueer #sociology #neurodiversity #neuronormativity #conversiontherapy #actuallyautistic #neuronormative #neurocosmopolitan
Really interesting observations by Kabie Brook just now on #Autistic play and the problems of looking at children’s play and child/parent interactions through a #neuronormative lens
They are talking at #Autscape2022 about their MRes research into this
#autistic #neuronormative #Autscape2022
Youtube Goorgle Logic: Searching for "cookies with lavendar" has a hidden meaning attached for "they're searching for cannabis" .. gah! #facepalm #youtube #youtubelogic #fail #searchenginefail #neuronormative #bslogic
#bslogic #neuronormative #searchenginefail #fail #youtubelogic #youtube #facepalm