El Duvelle · @elduvelle
648 followers · 2903 posts · Server neuromatch.social

New review on the “spatial cells” across different species! Looks very interesting:
Neural mechanisms for spatial cognition across vertebrates
Vinepinsky & Segev 2023

Small but important comment: it is perfectly normal for place cells to have multiple ! Only in very small environments (<80cm diameter) will you mostly see single-field place cells. The single field is probably more the exception than the rule in the natural world.

#placefields #neuropaper #review #neuroscience #placecells #headdirectioncells #gridcells #bvcs #crossspecies

Last updated 2 years ago

El Duvelle · @elduvelle
594 followers · 2436 posts · Server neuromatch.social

⤴️​ After reading this I have to say it is much more interesting than what I thought at first view! And particularly well-written, illustrated and clear!

A must-read for anyone interested in (maybe) with some future hints of !
Congrats to all authors, let me know if any is on here!

#neuropaper #dopamine #reinforcementlearning #reward #value #rewardpredictionerror #navigation #shortcuts #detours #cognitivemap #inference #hippocampalreplay

Last updated 2 years ago

El Duvelle · @elduvelle
564 followers · 2104 posts · Server neuromatch.social

Very interesting-looking paper with a cool in by Krausz et al.:
Dual credit assignment processes underlie dopamine signals in a complex spatial environment

Please note that Hex-Maze is already taken by @L_Genzel 's study - which should really be cited! And Hexamaze is also taken (by me)!
Call it ;)

#maze #rats #gridmaze #neuropaper #dopamine #complexspace

Last updated 2 years ago

El Duvelle · @elduvelle
519 followers · 1654 posts · Server neuromatch.social
El Duvelle · @elduvelle
470 followers · 1243 posts · Server neuromatch.social
Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
636 followers · 82 posts · Server neuromatch.social

Hot off the press! 🔥​

We performed a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies looking at interpersonal neural synchronization (INS) and contextualized the results using diverse public databases to develop new hypotheses on physiological processes potentially involved in INS.

Super-short summary: We report spatial convergence of INS in the right TPJ and left ventral PFC and find preliminary evidence for associations of INS with mentalizing and attention brain networks, GABA-mediated E/I balance, and disordered neurodevelopment.

What is he talking about, you ask? See below ⏬​


@neuroscience @neuro @cognition @fmri @phdstudents @academicchatter

#newpaper #paperthread #neuroscience #neuro #psych #psychiatry #psychology #cognition #brain #communication #neuropaper #neuropaperthread #newneuropaper #science #research #dataviz #datascience

Last updated 2 years ago

El Duvelle · @elduvelle
384 followers · 679 posts · Server neuromatch.social

Hi all 😃​
Our latest on is now published in @eLife !!
I will probably write a real thread on it when I get a chance... for now:

link: elifesciences.org/articles/823

why: some neurons in the (and other brain regions) of (and other mammals) have the fascinating ability to discriminate not just different presents, but different past or future states or trajectories in the same current situation. They could be related to or 🤔​They are called 'trajectory-dependent cells' or Splitter Cells. 🔀​ We tried to make sense of them!

what: Hippocampal Splitter cells do a lot of puzzling stuff. For example there's a lot of them even in tasks that do not require the Hippocampus to be solved. They spread asymmetrically on a linear track leading to a choice point - 'past' splitters around the start and 'future' splitters towards the choice point. cells can be splitter cells (but they're usually ). Splitter cells evolve with experience, or maybe it is performance, nobody really knows. ​⁉️​ ... and a lot more weird stuff

conclusion: Two different computational models, the temporal context model and the latent state model, each explain a subset of the properties of splitter cells... so perhaps the Hippocampus implements both! But more experiments are needed to disentangle them 😄​

now what: questions or comments? Please let us know!! ✍️​

#review #splittercells #hippocampus #rats #episodicmemory #decisionmaking #timecells #placecells #neuroscience #cognition #neuropaper

Last updated 2 years ago

El Duvelle · @elduvelle
375 followers · 647 posts · Server neuromatch.social

@kendmiller @NicoleCRust
Since we can combine hashtags in searches, pinned hashtags etc. I vote for whenever we’re referring to… a paper in neuroscience, and simply add the if it’s also a thread?
Also if it’s a preprint thread it could be but preprints and papers are really not that different nowadays…

#neuropaper #thread #mastoprint

Last updated 2 years ago