Arténher :verified_lgbt: · @artenher
122 followers · 128 posts · Server

Eth : se non vos agrade coma sò, cambiatz vosati.
ca. El neuròtic: si no us agrada com soc, canvieu vosaltres.


Last updated 1 year ago

The Hobnobbingoblin · @mth5000
17 followers · 265 posts · Server

The biggest draw on my energy is trying to appear like a normal, functional human, not the under cover alien that I am

#thetruthisoutthere #neurotic

Last updated 1 year ago

stoicmike · @stoicmike
70 followers · 999 posts · Server
Root · @thekidhaz
15 followers · 95 posts · Server
Margaret Sefton · @MargaretSefton
542 followers · 2003 posts · Server

Does anyone watch motivational videos for introverts to pump themselves up for meetings, even if it's just zoom? I wonder if it has to do with not being able to focus on just one person, but speaking to a group, or to a screen serving as the group's proxy. These social encounters always seem like a good idea from a distance, but then up close, idk. Within the hour of the event, a movie and some alcohol seems like a better idea no matter how great the people seem.

#neurotic #zoom #introvert

Last updated 2 years ago

Manni_P :mastolove: · @Lost_Paradise
115 followers · 1961 posts · Server

{... is what keeps a child from his . It lies in overwork, in slaving for high grades, in being the performer. Struggle is the ’s of . Instead of being , he struggles to become another version of himself. ... The “act” is no longer voluntary and ; it is and . It is neurotic.}

So simple. But can we be in a neurotic world? we can!

#one #easy #an #not #GoldenPath #yes #real #unconscious #automatic #conscious #himself #loved #being #hope #neurotic #hopelessness #feeling #struggle

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle · @dustcircle
29 followers · 443 posts · Server
RS · @sfwrtr
30 followers · 119 posts · Server

Here's some : Word counts do not the completion of a book indicate. The last word does.

To the extent that you feel bad when you've got naught to report on a particular day when the well is dry, and it might make you feel like a failure and make the next opportunity to write more anxious, word counts may be a bad thing. Self-flagellation is bad.

On the other hand, if word counts spur you and make the creativity flow the next time you sit—because you feel the vacuum and that makes the words flow from your mind to fill the void on the white page—you know what you need to do.

Procrastination is the enemy. Take precautions that your writing strategy makes you creative—not crazy.

That said, I report word counts to friends when I surprise myself. More often I report this or that happened in the story, chortling to myself, or moaning that I fear the story will be stillborn. The mythology that someone just appears with the great American novel is that. Mythology. Writing, being an author, is an act of communication. Few actual writers (who publish their stories, poems, books) in my experience can keep their mouth shut, pen dry, or keyboard quiet.

Look up the definition of . It often includes .

Mind you, I just finished writing a (except the epilogue, which isn't actually necessary), so I feel pretty strongly about word counts being of little use. All bets are off when I start the next story!

For the record: I write when I figure out what is needed, or the unruly characters keep me up all night. I continue writing until I stop—one time that was a novella of 15,000 words in fifteen hours. I don't write when I don't. How you write is personal, however. Nobody else does what is right for you.

Big thank you to @evacide for a toot that made me think.

#writingadvice #neurotic #writer #novel #writing #writerslife #wordcount

Last updated 2 years ago

· @tpa
138 followers · 92 posts · Server

When did "ETA" come to mean "edited to add" and who is responsible for this? means "estimated time of arrival". The purported meaning sounds like something that leaked out of one of those forums where people refer to a spouse and daughter, respectively, as DH and DD.

#parenting #neurotic #horrible #eta

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve · @Thompson
0 followers · 22 posts · Server

Doesn't seem like new news: ‟Addictive Behavior Linked to Personality and Psychopathology”

#addiction #neurotic #Depression #anxiety #cope #brain

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert West, PhD · @westr
36 followers · 4 posts · Server

Highly Likely to Cause Personality Trait - via

" blood pressure was significantly associated with (over 90%), based on 1074 's."

#BloodPressure #neurotic #mendelianrandomization #psychiatry #diastolic #neuroticism #snp

Last updated 2 years ago