Screen in #Celegans yields potential targets to delay motor #aging, including the PI3K VPS-34. VPS-34 inhibition improves #neurotransmission & muscle integrity via increased PI(3)P-PI-PI(4)P conversion, improving #MotorAging in worms & mice #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #motoraging #neurotransmission #aging #Celegans
Been wondering for many years: there must be undiscovered receptors in the brain? For me, #fresh #orange #juice consistently clears #brain #fog in seconds, and more strongly so than #coffee; no such effect after fermentation; #neuroscience #neurotransmission #neurotransmitter
#neurotransmitter #neurotransmission #neuroscience #coffee #fog #brain #juice #orange #fresh
Structures of my old friend kainate receptor GluK2 with the no-longer AMPA-receptor specific anti-epileptic drug Perampanel bound, and a blocker of desensitisation. Sobolevsky lab.
#IonChannels #neurotransmission #epilepsy
The RNA-binding protein #FMRP binds the Csw/SHP2 transcript, in turn regulating presynaptic MAPK/ERK signaling & #neurotransmission. This mechanistically links two cognitive disorders; #NoonanSyndrome & #FragileX syndrome #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #fragilex #noonansyndrome #neurotransmission #FMRP
The RNA-binding protein #FMRP binds the Csw/SHP2 transcript, in turn regulating presynaptic MAPK/ERK signaling & #neurotransmission. This mechanistically links two cognitive disorders; #NoonanSyndrome & #FragileX syndrome #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #fragilex #noonansyndrome #neurotransmission #FMRP
The RNA-binding protein #FMRP binds the Csw/SHP2 transcript, in turn regulating presynaptic MAPK/ERK signaling & #neurotransmission. This mechanistically links two cognitive disorders; #NoonanSyndrome & #FragileX syndrome #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #fragilex #noonansyndrome #neurotransmission #FMRP