This brilliant video by Mica, @PonderfulYT, is as clear an explanation as you’ll find of the neurodiversity movement, neurodivergence and neurotypicality, and their relation to disability:
And it’s not just good because Boba tries to steal the show! 😻
#NeurodiversityMovement #neurodiversity #neurodiverse
#neurodivergence #neurodivergent
#neurotypicality #neurotypical
#disability #disabled
#ADHD #anxiety #aphantasia #autism #bipolar #BPD #BrainDisease #BrainInjury #cPTSD #depression #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #hyperphantasia #LearningDisability #OCD #PTSD #SDAM #Tourettes
#NeurodiversityMovement #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #neurodivergent #neurotypicality #neurotypical #disability #disabled #adhd #anxiety #aphantasia #autism #bipolar #bpd #braindisease #braininjury #CPTSD #depression #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #hyperphantasia #LearningDisability #OCD #PTSD #SDAM #tourettes
I think I’m not a fan of the #neurodiversity vs. #neurotypicality discourse. Most of what we’re demanding for people on the spectrum in e.g. the workplace would benefit hypothetical neurotypicals too! Just one idea…
#neurodiversity #neurotypicality
Does #neurotypicality exist in reality, i.e. are some people really #neurotypical while others are really #neurodivergent?
Or is it all dependent on context, so that one person may be neurotypical in one setting and neurodivergent in another setting?
To what degree may there be structural parallels between #neurotypicality and #whiteness or #cisness?
I'm not well oriented in thinking about #neurodiversity but hope that someone could recommend any good text that touches on the abovementioned questions.
#neurotypicality #neurotypical #neurodivergent #whiteness #cisness #neurodiversity