On #HavanaSyndrome stalking #NeuroWeapon #SignalStalking #DirectedEnergyWeapons techniques and devices easily convertible. My daughter and I are victims for 3 years. I am stalked 24/7. Cops and firefighter three percenter masons have the fancy ones. Canons.
#directedenergyweapons #signalstalking #neuroweapon #havanasyndrome
I am a victim of #TruthSerum and #NeuroWeapon #torture living in America. Long Island, NY to be exact. Land of the #LostGirls. #NoHumanRightsUSA
#nohumanrightsusa #lostgirls #torture #neuroweapon #truthserum
Wow my old tweets. She can recognize the pressure push in of a #neuroweapon. #GangStalkedonLI
Wow my old tweets. She can recognize the pressure push in of a #neuroweapon. #GangStalkedonLI