#NowListening to the #NeutralMilkHotel album, Ferris Wheel on Fire. It is good waking up music.
#Indie #IndieMusic #FolkRock
#nowlistening #neutralmilkhotel #indie #indiemusic #folkrock
❝Some of the records were challenging. Like, if you were calling into a college radio station and they played a [ #NeutralMilkHotel] song, it could be a 10-minute long noise instrumental, or it could be an amazing lyric-based pop song, or it could be a sad reflective thing.❞ https://aquariumdrunkard.com/2023/08/25/lance-bangs-on-the-elephant-6-recording-co/
I just finished a new story called “Strange Attractor at the End of Time”! Coming in at 3,800 words (roughly 16 pages), it'll be just perfect for the upcoming Neutral Milk Hotel -inspired anthology from Hungry Shadow Press! Unfortunately, submissions don't open until December, so I'll have to sit on this a while. (Let me know if you want to beta-read in the meantime.) This one is inspired by the NMH song “I Will Bury You in Time,” and I’m quite pleased with it.
#NeutralMilkHotel #nmh #music #indieMusic #lofi #lofiMusic #fiction #books #shortFiction #shortStory #shortStories #dreampunk #dreampunkFiction #weirdFiction #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #scienceFiction #speculativeFiction #litfic #literaryFiction
#neutralmilkhotel #nmh #music #indiemusic #lofi #lofimusic #fiction #books #shortfiction #shortstory #shortstories #dreampunk #dreampunkFiction #weirdfiction #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #litfic #literaryfiction
Aaaaaaaaaaah! There's an "In the Aeroplane over the Sea" *singalong* tomorrow night at the Tranzac!
I'm going, but since this album is one I typically sing all of the words while crying, this might get messy.
If you see a big long-haired Scottish guy screaming the lyrics off-key while having a snottery ugly-cry, do say hi. I may be large, but I'm extremely harmless
#singalong #tranzac #neutralmilkhotel #music #toronto
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/24/23
#NeutralMilkHotel #CamilleThomas #JJCale #JuliusBerger #KonstantinEmelyanov #EricLu #LouisArmstrong #PatriciaKopatchinskaja #ElliottSmith
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-24-23/pl.u-oZyll6lIGarM6DX
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/14143878
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0yRg0mjmX5KeO8mqCYngiI?si=0c0dde2d644a46d9
#NowPlaying #Mastomusic #Playlist #ClassicalMusic #IndieMusic #music #MusicCurator #Chopin #MaxReger #Prokofiev #Janáček #SergeiProkofiev #FrédéricChopin #LeošJanáček #cello #piano
#neutralmilkhotel #camillethomas #jjcale #juliusberger #konstantinemelyanov #ericlu #louisarmstrong #patriciakopatchinskaja #elliottsmith #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #mastomusic #playlist #classicalmusic #indiemusic #music #musiccurator #chopin #maxreger #prokofiev #janacek #sergeiprokofiev #fredericchopin #leosjanacek #cello #piano
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/17/23
#JoséGonzález #RLBurnside #JordiComellas #AndreasMartin #NeutralMilkHotel #NickCave & #TheBadSeeds #NickCaveAndTheBadSeeds #LeeMorgan #Leadbelly (aka Lead Belly)
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-17-23/pl.u-oZyllYaIGarM6DX
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/14014401
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4UlOhFU0Q0SBp0xXmXjjjr?si=3c8fd203b1d6471c
#NowPlaying #Blues #Jazz #JazzMusic #Folk #FolkBlues #Indie #IndieMusic #CFAbel #ClassicalMusic #music #mastomusic #bluesmusic #IndieFolk
#josegonzalez #rlburnside #jordicomellas #andreasmartin #neutralmilkhotel #nickcave #thebadseeds #nickcaveandthebadseeds #leemorgan #leadbelly #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #blues #jazz #jazzmusic #folk #folkblues #indie #indiemusic #cfabel #classicalmusic #music #mastomusic #bluesmusic #indiefolk
Neutral Milk Hotel - Two-Headed Boy
Celebrating 25 years of In the Aeroplane over the Sea, and writing a bass line for a legendary song without bass.
#neutralMilkHotel #indieRock #bassist #bass #newOrleans #saturdaysAreForTheBass
#neutralmilkhotel #indierock #bassist #bass #NewOrleans #saturdaysareforthebass
Worth a read for any Neutral Milk Hotel fans, though a horrid, misleading title and mostly snobby writing. However, I did not know about Mangum's obsession with Naomi Yang (Galaxie 500, Damon & Naomi; listen to both).
As someone who lived through the 90s #IndieMusic scene, I think this author misunderstood the indie aesthetic.
Not to mention I did not find anything likeable about about the other #Elephant6 bands. They were pop.
#indiemusic #elephant6 #neutralmilkhotel
There's a new #NeutralMilkHotel album out today too, sounds like demos preceding In An Aeroplane Over The Sea https://songwhip.com/neutral-milk-hotel/ferris-wheel-on-fire #NowPlaying ♫
This post needs a soundtrack
"In the Aeroplane Over the Sea"
By Neutral Milk Hotel
Un libro anomalo e intenso su un disco anomalo e intenso: ho scritto due righe su Olanda, 1945 di Massimo Palma (Nottetempo)
TIL that IN THE AEROPLANE OVER THE SEA, by Neutral Milk Hotel (2/10/1995) - sweet acoustic ballads interspersed w New Orleans-style dirges & feedback-drenched rockers (sometimes all 3 at the same time) - is based on the Diary of Anne Frank. Incredibly obvious if you listen to the lyrics, a cris de coeur by Jeff Magnum, about the beauty of youth, the mystery of sex, birth, & re-birth, & the tragedy of early death. Absolutely brilliant.
Oh my, I have all the feels today with a #NeutralMilkHotel re-release of Everything Is on Apple Music. :hamster_dance: :ablobcatheadphonesfast:
The memories of listening to this from music scraped from Napster in my dorm room at Georgia Tech.
NHM never gets old, even though I still do.
🎶 Up and over we go
Through the wave and undertow
I will float until I learn how to swim🎶
Salut les ami.e.s
Passez un bon week-end tout doux.
#soundcheck #tootradio #NeutralMilkHotel
#soundcheck #tootradio #neutralmilkhotel
I've gotten so much perceived value out of some EUR 15 CD purchase, it feels almost criminal... I just learnt that they're re-releasing the complete works on Vinyl in February. And this time I should be able to gather the financial means to afford it, yeah! #neutralmilkhotel
Neutral Milk Hotel has been one of my favourite bands ever since I stumbled upon this article on audiogalaxy sometime in 2002(?) and decided to give it a listen: http://web.archive.org/web/20020328132526/http://www.audiogalaxy.com:80/articles?&a=116 - written by Will Sheff. His excellent articles there triggered me to look into what other things he was up to and turns out he was in a band too - Okkervil River, another band that has influenced my life more than I'm probably willing to admit. #music #neutralmilkhotel #okkervilriver
#okkervilriver #neutralmilkhotel #music
“What an odd day to exist at all” is what my adult brain says internally on so many days of the year.
While its use feels cliché to me, the Jeff Mangum lyric “how strange it feels to be anything at all” is appropriate here.
#existentialism #humanProblems #neutralmilkhotel
Häsäreitä #music #musiikki #musicstodon #theafghanwhigs #grantleebuffalo #bambara #tuomarinurmio #goldfrapp #thedoves #tvontheradio #neutralmilkhotel #ratm
#music #musiikki #musicstodon #theafghanwhigs #grantleebuffalo #bambara #TuomariNurmio #goldfrapp #thedoves #tvontheradio #neutralmilkhotel #ratm
First time eating lunch at The Rake here on #AlamedaPoint, and so far the sound system has played #MyMorningJacket, #neutralmilkhotel, #ThePostalService, and #Spoon deep cuts, and I have a feeling I miiiiight be their target demographic.
#alamedapoint #MyMorningJacket #neutralmilkhotel #thepostalservice #spoon