Wired: A New Map of the Universe, Painted With Cosmic Neutrinos https://www.wired.com/story/cosmic-neutrinos-origin/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Science/PhysicsandMath #particlephysics #QuantaMagazine #SpaceOddities #darkmatter #neutrinos #Astronomy #Science #physics #Gravity #space
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #science #particlephysics #QuantaMagazine #spaceoddities #darkmatter #neutrinos #Astronomy #physics #gravity #space
IceCube-Gen2: 8 Cubic Kilometers of Ice, 5 Times the Sensitivity https://www.universetoday.com/162915/icecube-gen2-8-cubic-kilometers-of-ice-5-times-the-sensitivity/ #icecubeneutrinoobservatory #icecube-gen2 #antarctica #astronomy #neutrinos #muons
#icecubeneutrinoobservatory #icecube #antarctica #astronomy #neutrinos #muons
Seeing with #neutrinos & Mapping the Galaxy using high-energy neutrinos. Neutrinos arise through myriad subatomic processes: from nuclear fusion in the Sun’s core & radioactivity in 🌍 ’s rocks to high-energy collisions of interstellar particles w the atmosphere. neutrinos wi record-high energies,pinpointed their origins to distant cosmic sources.
Wired: A Novel Type of Neural Network Comes to the Aid of Big Physics https://www.wired.com/story/a-novel-type-of-neural-network-comes-to-the-aid-of-big-physics/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Science/PhysicsandMath #particlephysics #QuantaMagazine #neuralnetworks #PixelPerfect #computing #Astronomy #neutrinos #Science #physics
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #science #particlephysics #QuantaMagazine #neuralnetworks #pixelperfect #computing #Astronomy #neutrinos #physics
First Ever Neutrino Map of the Milky Way Reveals Major Surprises - YouTube
#astronomy #cosmology #neutrinos
Astronomy in Pictures: Saturn and the Milky Way
The James Webb Space Telescope offers a new view of Saturn, while the IceCube Observatory creates a neutrino-painted picture of the Milky Way. The post Astronomy in Pictures: Saturn and the Milky Way appeared first on Sky & Telescope .
#Astronomy_&_Observing_News #Milky_Way #Solar_System #Milky_Way_Galaxy #neutrinos #Saturn's_Rings
#astronomy_ #milky_way #solar_system #milky_way_galaxy #neutrinos #saturn
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Ein neuer Blick auf unsere kosmische Heimat: #IceCube entdeckt #Neutrinos aus der #Milchstraße - Die @TU_Dortmund ist Teil eines internationalen Forschungsteams. #TU #Dortmund #Astroteilchenphysik #Astrophysik #Wissenschaft #Physik https://www.nordstadtblogger.de/ein-neuer-blick-auf-unsere-kosmische-heimat-icecube-entdeckt-neutrinos-aus-der-milchstrasse/
#icecube #neutrinos #milchstraße #TU #dortmund #Astroteilchenphysik #astrophysik #wissenschaft #physik
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Vice: Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
Astronomie: Erstes Abbild der Milchstraße in Neutrinos fertig
Kosmische Neutrinos sind besonders schwer nachzuweisen. Trotzdem ist es jetzt erstmals gelungen, eine Karte von Neutrinos aus der Milchstraße zu erstellen.
#verpasstodon #astronomie #astrophysik #icecube #milchstraße #neutrinos
Vice Scientists Use AI to Discover 'Ghost Particles' From Our Own Galaxy In First https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkak3b/scientists-use-ai-to-discover-ghost-particles-from-our-own-galaxy-in-first #ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #Abstract #Science #physics #AI
#ghostparticles #techscience #neutrinos #abstract #science #physics #ai
IceCube Makes a Neutrino Map of the Milky Way https://www.universetoday.com/162239/icecube-makes-a-neutrino-map-of-the-milky-way/ #neutrinos
Diese Woche gab es gleich zwei bahnbrechende Publikationen
aus der #Astronomie, beide sind irgendwie etwas untergegangen auf @heiseonline.
Hier gab es dabei mehr zu sehen: So würde die #Milchstraße aussehen, wenn man Neutrinos sehen könnte. Das ist so cool!
"Kosmische #Neutrinos sind besonders schwer nachzuweisen. Trotzdem ist es jetzt erstmals gelungen, eine Karte von Neutrinos aus der Milchstraße zu erstellen."
#astronomie #milchstraße #neutrinos #astrophysik #icecube
#IceCube detector finds #neutrinos from the #MilkyWay for the first time