joe•iuculano :mastodon: · @iuculano
745 followers · 20321 posts · Server

As per

The super fueling Gov. ’ 2024 bid 4 has scaled back efforts in number o key states, includn & , officials confirmd 2 . The PAC, , has also backd down in & , 2 other states alongside California. Group plans 2 halt its door-to-door canvassing operations in those states in order 2 conserve resources 4 early-voting states like , , &

#thedailybeast #pac #florida #rondesantis #whitehouse #nevada #california #nbcnews #neverbackdown #northcarolina #texas #supertuesday #iowa #newhampshire #southcarolina

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 65 posts · Server

Original toot date: 29 March, 2023


- The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.

I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.

(continued in replies)

#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision

Last updated 1 year ago

Alo Japan · @alojapan
83 followers · 1823 posts · Server
Loki Luck III · @LokiLuck3
52 followers · 641 posts · Server
Dr Bob · @drrjv
238 followers · 1722 posts · Server

Let the racists, I mean races begin 🥺

What a bunch of BS 🤬
Freedom is only for or -phobic phobic, Anti- (now at 6 weeks!) -loving, (mostly) Men 🔫

I’m Voting for , and not for the

#evangelical #christian #catholic #racist #trans #lgbtq #abortion #white #democrats #biden #republican #cult #trump #desantis #neverbackdown #book #banning #bookBans #gun #books #guns #idiocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
19 followers · 118 posts · Server

- The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.

I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.


(continued in replies)

#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision

Last updated 2 years ago

Paula Chertok🗽🇺🇦 · @PaulaChertok
1308 followers · 1820 posts · Server

When Republicans lost to Obama, instead of moving to where the voters were, they chose to move voters by demagoguery & disinformation. Trump revealed the GOP. But he's a loser. So now DeSantis is the new Trump. is the same macho cruel bigoted fascist Trumpism.🆖🚫


Last updated 2 years ago

😿 · @tresgraus
1 followers · 277 posts · Server

I just rated Never Back Down (2008) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

#neverbackdown #trakt

Last updated 2 years ago

A win for the workers!
My employer is a non-profit org that assists developmentally disabled folks lead a productive, independent life in both a residential setting, as well as with in the community.
Recently, due to exhausting and poorly organized schedules, 2 residential LPNs put in their notice. Management decided it would be best (for financial reasons) to have the regular workers, like myself, take on training to distribute medications to the residents. This would also mean there would be one less person on hand to assist with daily duties, including ensuring the safety of the residents. I refused when told the pay would be the same but the responsibility and liability would be greater for me and other workers.
I saw this as exploiting the workers to take on more work and liability for the same pay by way of not hiring more LPNs, thus "taking a job" from an LPN that would be willing to take the job.

The other workers (including the LPNs) had a few unofficial meetings and discussions stating we would all resist. Two other workers were ready to put in notice along with the LPNs.
Yesterday management, after realizing that 3/4 of our residential staff might be gone by the 2nd week of January, held a meeting for the workers to explain their side and express their concerns.

By the end of the meeting they offered one of the LPNs everything that they wanted to keep them on staff. They listened to all of the issues the staff had with liability, responsibility and safety.
I didn't make the last minute impromptu Zoom meeting, but my fellow workers kept me abreast of what went on.

So, here we are, the workers, including the LPN, getting the fair treatment with no extra workload and management bending to the needs of the workers and residents.

I've been putting a bug in the ears of fellow workers about these issues and I'm proud to say my fellow workers spoke up with all those concerns and more. I'm expecting a call from management today to hear of I have any additional grievances or concerns.

I consider this a BIG win for myself and my fellow workers.
Remember, that workers not only control the means of production but also ensure the safety and quality of life for ourselves as well as our residence and the community.

Never give up. Never back down.

#NeverGiveUp #neverbackdown #workersunite #collectivebargaining #IWW #sticktogether #wewon #fightforyourrights #wekeepussafe #workers #controlthemeansofproduction

Last updated 2 years ago

“I’m a fearless person, and a fearless individual,” said Denise. “These issues have lasted since I was born.” The performers and the school were inspired by the support that Columbus’s queer community received. “None of us were ready to back down, or willing to back down.” Asked what the queer community should do in response to right-wing extremists, Ellen Kahn, from the Human Rights Campaign, encapsulated that attitude. “Nobody’s scaring anyone back into the closet.”


Last updated 2 years ago