#amwriting: My #neverbury/#flashficfeb challenge continues. Story 12 completed at 2735 words, bringing my overall total written this month to just over 40K words. Thanks to Mrs. L and the #WritingCommunity for encouraging me to keep going.
#writingcommunity #neverbury #amwriting
#FlashFicFeb number 12 complete. A shade over 4K words. I've lost about 1/2 a day per day in terms of doing a story per day, mostly because I've overwritten by about 2K words on each piece. It's not that the stories aren't tight, I'm just writing complete stories here rather than the vignettes that you'd normally associate with #flashfiction. Also, creating the kind of creeping dread I want for #neverbury takes time and space.
It takes more space to show rather than tell.
#writingcommunity #neverbury #flashfiction #flashficfeb
#FlashFicFeb number 10 is complete. I thought it would be a little shorter but #Neverbury wants what it wants. As does a certain hotel in the latest story. Another 3459 words in the can. #amwriting #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #amwriting #neverbury #flashficfeb
And so, story number 9 of #FlashFicFeb goes into the can at 4026 words. Contains links to two other stories as the world of #neverbury starts to flesh itself out. A few days off the pace, but I think I can catch up! #WritingCommunity #amwriting
#amwriting #writingcommunity #neverbury #flashficfeb
Completed #flashficfeb number 8, 2278 words. Introduced some new characters to the world of Neverbury and had my first genuine link between two new stories. The #neverbury universe is starting to manifest itself. #WritingCommunity #amwriting
#amwriting #writingcommunity #neverbury #flashficfeb
So, #flashficfeb number 5 is the longest yet at a comparatively whopping 3659 words. Quite a dialogue-heavy one, so quicker to write than that word count might suggest. Another #neverbury story as well, one for ham radio enthusiasts the soothsayers alike.
#writersofmastodon #amwriting #writingcommunity #neverbury #flashficfeb
#flashficfeb number 4 is done. Romping in at 2,599 words. After needing to go back to rewrite number 3 almost completely, this one came out easily. #neverbury continues to expand, this time with its own toy shop. You probably don't want to shop there though.
#writersofmastodon #amwriting #writingcommunity #neverbury #flashficfeb
On to story number 3 of #FlashFicFeb. Came in a little shorter on this one and will probably go back to rewrite it! You've got to put your best foot forward when you're the MP of #neverbury and District.