FYI this is a rant post so this is directed at no one here. Don’t gaslight me. I remember what I remember. You don’t get to pick and choose the good parts and put me on a pedestal. Don’t gloss over things. Do not… make me question my memories. #exes #ishouldnthavebothered #youth #gaslighting #neverdateamalestripper #hewasthecowboy
#exes #ishouldnthavebothered #youth #gaslighting #neverdateamalestripper #hewasthecowboy
FYI this is arrant post so this is directed at no one here. Don’t gaslight me. I remember what I remember. You don’t get to pick and choose the good parts and put me on a pedestal. Don’t gloss over things. Do not… make me question my memories. #exes #ishouldnthavebothered #youth #gaslighting #neverdateamalestripper #hewasthecowboy
#exes #ishouldnthavebothered #youth #gaslighting #neverdateamalestripper #hewasthecowboy