hard at it again today. They won't stop until we ALL πŸ–€πŸ’›β€οΈ and show them once again that they and their mates are totally to the Australia of 2023 and beyond.

Not ever!

has always been on the

#skyshite #voteyes #toxicracistliberal #irrelevant #neverevervoteliberal #auspol #boycottallthingsmurdoch #bronwynb #wrongsideofhistory #whtie #racists

Last updated 2 years ago

@Franca @AaronDodd the screwed over most of Australia, they always do

#toxicliberals #neverevervoteliberal #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Bipartisan implies 2 parties.
We don't have 2 parties.
We have multiple parties and only Labor is a major party, Greens might become do, Liberals are now minor as are Nationals


#stopthemyth #auspol #neverevervoteliberal

Last updated 2 years ago

@feather1952 the bigger problem for them all is that they allowed it, endorsed it, and supported him in his lunacy, right up to and including the , his abusive tirade, and the
He is as are all of them in the with the possible exception of Archer (though mostly she too went along with his facist madness).
He is without question the worst PM this country has had so far in its history. He will never be remembered well. defending him speaks volumes as to how disastrous the party has become since destroyed it in his own pathetic image.

#censure #cwnsurevote #unfittoholdpublicoffice #toxiclnp #toxicliberals #liarhoward #auspol #neverevervoteliberal #nswpol

Last updated 2 years ago

Typical. Pathetic excuses. The electorate was clear.
Out of touch and out of time

Remember the always blame others for their messes.


#neverevervoteliberal #toxicliberals #auspol #nswvotes #liberals #nswpol

Last updated 2 years ago

@atomicpoet @VirginiaMurr the conflict for many is about the ability to contact key players in politics or media providers. My only reason for staying,@at least until

#nswvotes #neverevervoteliberal #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

When you vote in in March remember that the have today voted AGAINST the , against wages, against a fairer Australia.

They are a foul greedy party.

#nsw #toxicliberals #irbill #neverevervoteliberal #votethemallout #nswvotes #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

RT from DoDoLand account

To the bitter end the & voted against the

Remember that.

They are against a Fair Australia and always have been

Cementing their in the future of our great country


#toxicliberals #toxicnationals #irbill #neverevervoteliberal #irrelevancy #voteyes #auspol #nswpol

Last updated 2 years ago

Last night marked the end of 25 yrs of shameful & abuse of the citizen rights of NT & ACT residents for self-determination. Utterly shameful abuse of power by the . Notice there is a pattern here. They have always been
Andrews was one of the worst RWNJ in the with right there behind him, pushing his nasty agenda.

#liberalbullying #toxicliberals #unfitforpublicoffice #auspol #bullies #liarhoward #neverevervoteliberal #selfdetermination

Last updated 2 years ago

Always the

Victorian Liberals raise β€˜faith values’ and Labor-style broad appeal in jostle for party’s leadership - Guardian Australia apple.news/AnUMTUhvJTRajCJaU4X

#toxicliberals #auspol #springst #neverevervoteliberal

Last updated 2 years ago

@woodshed Every single member who walked out today is manifestly . Do not ever forget who they are. They essentially backed an autocrat.
May it haunt them all forever.

They all effectively TRASHED our democracy.

#unfitforpublicoffice #neverevervoteliberal #neverforget #neverforgive #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

This is how it should be reported

The only has 16
The did better proportionally with 9, and in they are better on

#stopthemyth #liberalparty #nationalparty #vicvotes #climatechange #neverevervoteliberal #auspol #springst #nswpol

Last updated 2 years ago