Paddled several hours this morning. Saw an eagle and countless king fishers. This afternoon I’m def feeling like a granny-to-be😅oof #NeverGrowUp
Have you "grown out of" blowing bubbles?
How did you let that happen?
Bubbles blown from back deck of cabin in the woods near #BlowingRockNC by six friends over the age of 60.
#SaturdayVibes #NeverGrowUp #Bubbles #Travel #PositiveVibe #Positivity
#blowingrocknc #saturdayvibes #nevergrowup #bubbles #travel #positivevibe #positivity
Never Grow Up
#GROW #nevergrowup #NiallHoran #THESHOW #Vlog #voiceactor #ナイル・ホーラン #ナイル・ホーランNiallHoran #ナイルホーラン #声優 #男性声優
#grow #nevergrowup #niallhoran #theshow #vlog #voiceactor #ナイル・ホーラン #ナイル・ホーランniallhoran #ナイルホーラン #声優 #男性声優
I ordered some things from Amazon and when I opened this box I thought—wait a minute, that’s not what I ordered. Taking a second look, I thought that’s really cool, I would like to order this! Then I saw it was was addressed to my son. Maybe I could borrow it? I called to let him know he got a package I accidentally opened and he said “So much for your birthday surprise!” 😂🫣🤣 #Birthday #BestSon #AvatarTheLastAirbender #Nickelodeon #FabulousOverFifty #NeverGrowUp
#birthday #bestson #avatarthelastairbender #nickelodeon #fabulousoverfifty #nevergrowup
@Soozcat @TheLetterTen @kittencaboodle @noracodes
Yarr, pirates ye be? Then stand and sing our Alma Mater!!
SJ Tucker, the Lost Girls Pirate Academy Alma Mater (p.s. the Academy is gender-inclusive, don't skip the intro...) #pirates #NeverGrowUp #NeverGiveIn
#pirates #nevergrowup #nevergivein
I regret throwing out my #PokémonCards. I told myself it was time to grow up. That I didn't use them. That they were clutter.
It was many many years ago, and I'm only now feeling the impact 😅. There were first edition cards from the original sets. A shiny Charizard. I don't think I even recycled them. Just into the trash.
#pokemoncards #nevergrowup #tcg
Vandaag keihard gelachen toen schoolvriend van jongste vertelde dat zijn ouders op het 10-minutengesprek in groep 3 te horen kregen dat hij te hard moest lachen om windjes
Ik ben 51 en vind scheten nog steeds grappig #nevergrowup
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestoliveby #NeverGrowUp #DontLetTheOIdManIn #beinghuman #sunset #HomeOfPopeye #Chester #Illinois #travel #travels #traveling #BeenHere
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestoliveby #nevergrowup #dontlettheoidmanin #beinghuman #sunset #homeofpopeye #chester #illinois #travel #travels #traveling #beenhere
Ik gleed na een intakegesprek op een mogelijke middelbare school voor de zoon van de trapleuning af. De conciërge bij de receptie keek me jaloers doch streng aan 😬
Time to introduce another one of the many things I enjoy in life. The best lego set for the avid traveller is of course *drumroll* the globe!
#lego #globe #nevergrowup #introduce #hobbies
Time to introduce another one of the many things I enjoy in life. The best lego set for the avid traveller is of course *drumroll* the globe!
#lego #globe #nevergrowup #introduce #hobbies
I am silently observing my 11 year old daughter's online Pokémon Club moderated by her online school and not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. They are having so much fun. 🙃
#Pokemon #Snorlax #NeverGrowUp #AutisticJoy #ActuallyAutistic
#pokemon #snorlax #nevergrowup #AutisticJoy #actuallyautistic
Gotten 40 cm of snow in the last few days. Time to ignore all the weird looks I'll get from my neighbors and jump around in the big pile in the garden! 🌨️ ❄️ ☃️
In the spirit of a conversation had yesterday, and a shopping trip planned for next week:
What was your favorite childhood toy?
(Is it still sold?)
#nevergrowup #bestgifts #toys #childhood
@RMFifthcircuit It’s not how old the case is, it’s how old the case feels.
Current situation. I call this place my swing in the middle of nowhere. It ticks all my boxes. There’s a swing, there are generally no humans, there are trees and a beautiful view. It’s an epic spot. ✌️#NeverGrowUp #solitude #MyBackYard
#nevergrowup #solitude #mybackyard
Zwischen humanen Katastrophen, FIFA Desaster und immer kürzeren Tagen...
Habe durch Zufall Witcher 3 rausgekramt und einfach so mal wieder angefangen zu spielen um dann herauszufinden, dass es tatsächlich bald ein Next Gen Update bekommt. Yessss!!!
Einen tollen Tag euch allen mit hoffentlich auch ein paar schönen Entdeckungen. :BlobhajPrideHeart:
#thelittlethings #nevergrowup #gaming #witcher #goodfeeling
Can someone point me in the direction of some sort of help document? How do I pin a post here?
And are these really called "toots"? Bc if they are, it would make my totally juvenile mind extremely happy. #nevergrowup #academic
Today my day started with some #piano music performed by the one and only T-Rex!
#lego #children #nevergrowup #goodmorning #breakfast #dinosaurs
#piano #lego #children #nevergrowup #goodmorning #breakfast #dinosaurs