Liar, liar!
#PenceLies #PenceIsALiar #NeverMikePence #GOPLiars
Mike Pence "doesn't recall" if he was told about plans to overturn 2020 election results
#GOPLiars #nevermikepence #penceisaliar #pencelies
LOL. So much winning!
#MikePence #MikeWho #NeverMikePence #LOLGOP
Mike Pence's Presidential Campaign Makes No Sense
#lolgop #nevermikepence #mikewho #mikepence
Another good one of the MANY reasons Mike Pence will NEVER be president. #NeverMikePence
Pence refuses to say if he would pardon Trump for federal crimes
One of many reasons that Mike Pence will NEVER be president. #NeverMikePence
Pence says he hopes DOJ 'thinks better' of indicting Trump in documents case
Pence for president. LOL.
#NeverMikePence #GOP #TheyTriedToHangYouBro
#theytriedtohangyoubro #gop #nevermikepence
How many fucking presidents does God want? Anyway, I'm pretty sure this isn't the one God wants to win.
#MikePence #NeverMikePence #TheyTriedToHangYouBro #GOPCircus
Mike Pence Claims God Is Calling Him To Run For President
#gopcircus #theytriedtohangyoubro #nevermikepence #mikepence
#MikePence has already proven that he'll comply with the letter --but not the spirit---of the law.
#NeverMikePence #GOP #Jan6 #PenceHadOneGoodDay
'We’ll comply with the law': Pence insists he’ll 'tell the truth' in Jan. 6 testimony
#pencehadonegoodday #Jan6 #gop #nevermikepence #mikepence
Mike Pence calls for "quick execution of mass shooters" at NRA Annual Meeting in his home state.
The #Guns are fine, of course.
Why not just execute the victims beforehand and avoid the whole scene?
#gopgunnuts #abolishthenra #nevermikepence #penceisacoward #guns
Mike Pence: why not do the country a solid and tell the truth about the GOP and Trump? After all, you’ll NEVER EVER be president, AND they tried to hang you, bro!
#NoWayPence #MikePence #PenceRehabTour #GOPTraitors #NeverMikePence #PenceHadOneGoodDay
#pencehadonegoodday #nevermikepence #goptraitors #pencerehabtour #mikepence #nowaypence
Remember: Mike Pence is no hero--he had ONE GOOD DAY.
From the Department of #FuckMikePence.
Mike Pence, who served as vice president under Donald Trump, told Breitbart News the Manhattan district attorney's investigation "reeks" of "political prosecution."
#nevermikepence #fuckmikepence
Mike Pence: why not do the country a solid and tell the truth about the GOP and Trump? After all, you’ll NEVER EVER be president.
#NoWayPence #MikePence #PenceRehabTour #GOPTraitors #NeverMikePence #PenceHadOneGoodDay
#pencehadonegoodday #nevermikepence #goptraitors #pencerehabtour #mikepence #nowaypence