#ClimateDiary Our current experience of the #NewAbnormal here in #Eastbourne #Sussex #UK: Day after day of rain (soo much rain now!) dark oppressive skies, and endless wind. I know of course that we are the lucky ones - no heatwave or floods - but even here you can feel just how unsettled everything is. We all feel it, the whole family. Plus all the news from elsewhere. Hard to get on with normal things.
#ClimateDiary #newabnormal #eastbourne #sussex #uk
#ClimateDiary like others i usually plead for #ClimateNews to be given more urgency and prominence. The #Guardian does this now, with #heatwave live updates. And even my determinedly optimistic father now sends me climate worries. Paradoxically, it’s making me feel deeply miserable: i guess somehow everyone else’s denial was actually enabling me, too, to cling on to an illusion of normality. Now it’s all the #NewAbnormal, to quote Michael Mann, and surprsingly hard
#ClimateDiary #climatenews #guardian #heatwave #newabnormal