@blaft Promoting to #MastodonBooks #NewAuthors #Reading #NewBooks
#mastodonbooks #newauthors #reading #newbooks
The best kind of book launch event! Congratulations to our debut novelist Amy Marie Turner. “Voyage of the Pleiades” is off to a spectacular start!
Available now! https://linktr.ee/fauvepress
#booknews #historicalfiction #newauthors
If you haven’t explored chapbooks, I highly recommend “maybe this is what I deserve” by Tucker Leighty-Phillips. Tucker’s stories evoke, they conjure, they stir. They get etched into memory.
Tucker is at the beginning of his writing. His first collection “maybe this is what I deserve,” is the first of what I hope will be many books to come. Check it out!
#amreading #southernfiction #booksofmastadon #chapbooks #smallfiction #newauthors @bookstodon
#amreading #southernfiction #booksofmastadon #chapbooks #smallfiction #newauthors
@writingcommunity How do you deal with the excruciatingly long wait between finishing a manuscript and seeing it in print?
My debut novella #DRECK has been waiting with the publisher so long that #dreampunk legend Jeff Noon read it and wrote a nice little review a full year and a half ago (#bragging, #nameDropping). Edits and illustrations are complete, just waiting in line behind one other book now. 🥲
#writingCommunity #indieAuthor #indieAuthors #writersLife #indieWriter #indieWriters #JeffNoon #indieAuthorProblems #writerProblems #indiePublishing #indiePress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #scienceFiction #specFic #speculativeFiction #scienceFantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdFiction #book #books #novella #novellas @bookstodon #bookstodon #adviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantPulp #sleepstream #trippyCyberpunk #debut #bookDebut #newAuthor #newAuthors #upcomingBooks #bookNews
#dreck #dreampunk #bragging #namedropping #writingcommunity #indieauthor #indieauthors #writerslife #indiewriter #indiewriters #JeffNoon #indieauthorproblems #writerproblems #indiepublishing #indiepress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #sciencefiction #specfic #speculativefiction #sciencefantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdfiction #book #books #novella #novellas #bookstodon #AdviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantpulp #sleepstream #trippycyberpunk #debut #bookdebut #newauthor #newauthors #upcomingbooks #booknews
CMOS trained. Member of EFA and ACES. Looking for new clients. Favorite genres: Childrens/YA, Poetry, Fantasy/Sci-Fi
#FreelanceEditing #NewAuthors #EditingGig #EditorialServices #CopyEditors #FreelanceLife #bookediting #copyediting #copyeditor #styleeditor #EditorSeekingWriter #AuthorsWanted #LiteraryEditing #EditingServices #SeekingAuthors #EditorForHire #SearchingForAuthors #editingskills #amediting #lookingforwork
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#CSPAuthors #NewAuthors
We're delighted to have signed on... Tony & Guy! How's your hairdo? @GuyGAuthor is an excellent jazz pianist/musician who loves the Victorian era; @TonyMillington9 is the author of the 𝑹𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑪𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔. A huge welcome to both!
any #debutauthors out there? #authors #newwriters #newauthors #followme
#fediverse #writercommunity
#debutauthors #authors #newwriters #newauthors #followme #Fediverse #writercommunity