#holidays #WorldTableTennisDay, #InternationalDayOfSportForDevelopmentAndPeace, #NationalSiameseCatDay, #NationalStudentAthleteDay, #NationalCaramelPopcornDay, #NationalAlcoholScreeningDay, #NationalTeflonDay, #NationalBurritoDay, #ChurchOfLatterDaySaintsDay, #DrowsyDriversAwarenessDay, #PlanYourEpitaphDay, #JumpOverThingsDay, #NewBeersEve, #FreshTomatoDay, #TwinkieDay, #TartanDay, #ArmyDay, #Passover
#holidays #worldtabletennisday #internationaldayofsportfordevelopmentandpeace #nationalsiamesecatday #nationalstudentathleteday #nationalcaramelpopcornday #nationalalcoholscreeningday #nationalteflonday #nationalburritoday #churchoflatterdaysaintsday #drowsydriversawarenessday #planyourepitaphday #jumpoverthingsday #newbeerseve #freshtomatoday #twinkieday #tartanday #armyday #passover
#holidays #WorldTableTennisDay, #InternationalDayOfSportForDevelopmentAndPeace, #NationalSiameseCatDay, #NationalStudentAthleteDay, #NationalCaramelPopcornDay, #NationalAlcoholScreeningDay, #NationalTeflonDay, #NationalBurritoDay, #ChurchOfLatterDaySaintsDay, #DrowsyDriversAwarenessDay, #PlanYourEpitaphDay, #JumpOverThingsDay, #NewBeersEve, #FreshTomatoDay, #TwinkieDay, #TartanDay, #ArmyDay, #Passover
#holidays #worldtabletennisday #internationaldayofsportfordevelopmentandpeace #nationalsiamesecatday #nationalstudentathleteday #nationalcaramelpopcornday #nationalalcoholscreeningday #nationalteflonday #nationalburritoday #churchoflatterdaysaintsday #drowsydriversawarenessday #planyourepitaphday #jumpoverthingsday #newbeerseve #freshtomatoday #twinkieday #tartanday #armyday #passover
🍺 It's #NHCraftBeerWeek
Grab your growlers! 🍺
#nh #nhbeer #nhcraftbeer #nhbeertrail #beer #beerlovers #newbeerseve #beercrafts #beerstodon #shophandmade
#nhcraftbeerweek #nh #nhbeer #nhcraftbeer #nhbeertrail #beer #beerlovers #newbeerseve #beercrafts #beerstodon #shophandmade
Sex on the Beach in the Southern Hemisphere
Got one!
What do you call a vegan cheese board?
A Chambord.😅
#NewBeersEve #HashItOut #HashtagGame
...Okay, so still not beer.😅
#newbeerseve #hashitout #hashtaggame
Duck, duck, Grey Goose.
#newbeerseve #hashitout #hashtaggames
I don't want to wine about 2022 but I am looking forward to next year.
Gonna party until the Tequila Sunrise.
I hate to be a champagne in the a** but am I doing this correctly?
#HashItOut #NewBeersEve
Inspector Cointreau
#NewBeersEve #HashItOut #HashtagGame
...Here's the other FictionalCharacterBooze I did.😅
#newbeerseve #hashitout #hashtaggame
#NewBeersEve #HashItOut #HashtagGame
...So, uh, I'm not good with beer, or alcohol in general, so I've recycled something I did for FictionalCharacterBooze on Twitter.😅
#newbeerseve #hashitout #hashtaggame
#HashItOut #NewBeersEve.
My drink for these occasions is usually Writer's tears
#NewBeersEve #HashItOut I haven't started drinking yet I have to wait a proseccond. A few more hours of teadium first.
Auld Lager Syne 🍻
It's the final #HashItOut of the year and we're gonna keep the #hashtagGames going strong into #2023!
Your task tonight is to #toot your best jokes with the hashtags #HashItOut and #NewBeersEve. Bring in the new year in a festive and boozy way.
For example, maybe you're hoping it won't to too Coors out to celebrate, or maybe this year was rough that you just have to Gin and bear it.
So toot those jokes with #NewBeersEve and #HashItOut so I can #boost them!
#hashitout #hashtaggames #toot #newbeerseve #boost