@mlanser since I didn’t know the answer either, I asked Google. The short answer is it’s complicated. This article explains the difference between/among snake case, Pascal case and Camel Case. I think as Mastodon matures, there will be some sort of community integration where norms become established. Great question!
#snake_case_tags #hashstags #CamelCase #NewbieHashTagger #TwitterMigration
#snake_case_tags #hashstags #camelcase #newbiehashtagger #twittermigration
I can’t find the original toot that mentioned this, but here’s a reminder: please put all hashtags at the end instead of interspersing them in the body of your message. When alt readers process the sequence of “hashtag topic” it’s a mashup that creates a barrier to communication.
#alt_text #blindness #CamelCase #FediTips #Accessibility #readers #FediHelp #MastodonNewbieTips #NewbieHashTagger #HashtagTrick
#alt_text #blindness #camelcase #feditips #accessibility #readers #fedihelp #mastodonnewbietips #newbiehashtagger #hashtagtrick