@c0nsid3rate What do you think of #NewBing? New Bing seems to sight it's sources, and when I ask it a question, I never quote it directly. I always go to the pages it links to. #ChatGPT
“Si tout le monde réduit ses émissions, c'est la planète entière qui en sort gagnante” : apprenez-en plus sur les nouveaux outils de dév de #Xbox pensés pour le développement durable
Et si on parlait des #DC qui surchauffent pour #ChatGPT et #newBing?
#greenwashing #microsoft #newbing #chatgpt #dc #xbox
我问 new bing 关于 Elixir 的,问 do-end 块的等价写法能告诉我、也说它本质上就是 keyword-list ,看上去也能理解调用函数可以省略小括号这件事,甚至多行代码怎么写成单行也是它教我的。
但是,当我在新的对话里,又没用小括号、又把 keyword-list 加上了被省略的中括号、又把两行打印写成一行并用分号分割,它就说我写的不对了,但其实是对的。
它给我加上了小括号,我说我的也对,它又认错并把我的分号改成了逗号,我说逗号错了就应该分号,它再认错 ……
在 Erlang 是逗号没错啦,但它回答的时候也强调了 Elixir ... 所以看来还是会莫名其妙地在非常细节的地方犯浑,而这种细节对于人类来说则是只需要一点逻辑能力就不会有什么问题的那种。。。
以及,能不能做到,把自己「思考」的产物输入回自己从而具备譬如理解「理解自己正在想什么」这种事的能力,也就是理解「理解」的能力 —— 而不只是对抽象理解能力创造力或者说举一反三的能力予以模仿 —— 也不知道。
我也不知道是不是 new bing 在敷衍我,只是为了节约 AI 调用的开销,其实它很聪明、甚至会省钱,所以连动多少脑子都可以主动限制,然后限制多了看起来就笨了 ……
按说模型足够大了,应该有足够的余地允许最终结果可以传回给输入层,甚至多来几轮。但看起来,它并不能做到这点,像是只是在模仿人的复杂能力。当然,也可能它在装,而我还没有发现 …… 毕竟说话风格太过简单了、而且也没有表情气息什么的,反而也容易隐藏和伪装。
🤔 Come se la cava con i calcoli #GPT4?
📟 Ogni volta che esce una nuova versione faccio questa domanda all#AI: "qual è il ritmo di corsa di 4:21 min/km in min/mi"?
🧠 GPT-4 finalmente ha dato la risposta giusta (che è solo apparentemente banale).
🧐 E anche il Nuovo #Bing dà il risultato corretto.
💡 L'imitation game diventa sempre più efficace, pur mantenendo intelligenza zero.
#GPT4 #bing #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #chatgpt #newbing
微軟確認 Bing AI 升級 GPT-4 模型,帶來更快速準確的搜尋
#Bing #NewBing #BingAI #AIBing #BingSearch #微軟 #news #新聞 #technews #微軟新聞 #MicrosoftNews #科技新聞
#科技新聞 #MicrosoftNews #微軟新聞 #technews #新聞 #news #微軟 #bingsearch #aibing #bingai #newbing #bing
eicker.news #technews »#Confirmed: the new #Bing runs on #OpenAI’s #GPT4. If you’ve used the #newBing preview at any time in the last five weeks, you’ve already experienced an early version of this powerful model.« https://blogs.bing.com/search/march_2023/Confirmed-the-new-Bing-runs-on-OpenAI%E2%80%99s-GPT-4
#technews #confirmed #bing #openai #gpt4 #newbing
Better than communicate with some of the human in my working ... 🤨
(cannot upload 1080x17371 but only about 800KB image at least now .... 🤕)
Just got access to #newbing so my first impression of #bing chat
* new Bing requires Microsoft Edge Dev, who want to use that?!
* confusing and bloated interface (...well, it IS Microsoft)
* responds much more slowly than ChatGPT
* seems dumbed down, 2000 char input limit, answers are much shorter than ChatGPT
* said it can't give a longer answer because of "size of my mobile screen" (but i'm on a desktop!)
* "learn more" suggestions seem like Microsoft is gearing up for ads.
Not a fan
Asking #GPT a tricky question:
"Accodring to Judism, can a man marry his widow's sister?"
#newBing spotted the trick(read his reply).
#chatGPT on the other hand, thought the case if where the man lives and his wife died, and then talked and talked but didn't actually see the catch in my question.
#Microsoft #openai #AI #bing #chatgpt #newbing #gpt