thought: most of the books I've actually bought for myself the last three or four years (or dropped hints about to gift-buyers, and a couple I've bought as gifts) I learned of in author interviews on the New Books Network. That's the format that makes me think I want to spend time with this book and not just look stuff up. #NewBooksNetwork #Podcast
Just finished recording on the New Books Network with Filippo de Chirico on my academic publication, "The Real Oil Shock". Episode will go live by the end of the month!
#podcast #newbooksnetwork #economics
#OilBeach podcast alert! 🛢️ 🏖️ 🎧
Had a lovely conversation with Dave O'Brien about all (well, some) things #wildlife & #infrastructure for the #NewBooksNetwork:
#AnimalStudies #energy #Podcast #NewBooks #STS #EnvHist #California @geography
#oilbeach #WildLife #infrastructure #newbooksnetwork #animalstudies #energy #podcast #newbooks #sts #envhist #california
#OilBeach podcast alert! 🛢️ 🏖️ 🎧
Had a lovely conversation with Dave O'Brien about all (well, some) things #wildlife & #infrastructure for the #NewBooksNetwork:
#oilbeach #WildLife #infrastructure #newbooksnetwork #animalstudies #energy #podcast #newbooks
What a great pleasure to speak with @LAbdelaaty about my book "Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp" in the New Books in Political Science series #NewBooksNetwork. Thank you so much for your invitation and interesting questions, Lamis!
Interested in listening to the podcast? See here:
This podcast is just in time for my book to be published in paperback this month
Hey Everyone! New #medieval #history offering from the #NewBooksNetwork Ben Dodds of @ufresearch about Myths and Memories of the Black Death @Palgrave
#medieval #history #newbooksnetwork
In today's #NewBooksNetwork #PoliSci episode:
In "Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp: Gender, Violence, and Coping in Uganda" (Cambridge U P 2021), @ulrikekrause explores how gender-based violence persists despite and partly due to refugees' settlement in Kyaka II camp. It reflects on the shortcomings of humanitarian protection, changes in gender relations, and refugees' coping strategies.
@politicalscience #PoliticalScience
#politicalscience #polisci #newbooksnetwork
In today's #NewBooksNetwork #PoliSci episode:
Much of the writing on Islam in MENA adopts an essentialist view of religiosity.
In "Beyond Piety and Politics," Sabri Ciftci, Michael Wuthrich, & Ammar Shamaileh push back against these monolithic understandings. They show that the relationship between religious communities, the state, and religious outlooks explains attitudes toward democracy and state-led economic redistribution.
#politicalscience #polisci #newbooksnetwork
Fascinating interview with Helena Hof on Europeans in Tokyo & Singapore. As someone who has spent a long time being mobile in Japan, and considered Singapore where some of my peers ended up going, I felt every minute of this interview. I also identified with her 4 classes of migrant in Asia. AND I really want to learn more about her next book on foreign startup founders in Asia!
Shatrunjay's Twitter:
#singapore #tokyo #newbooksnetwork #podcast
I'm getting back into #NewBooksNetwork interviews again after the holiday and new year break.
Today I interviewed Prof Robert Dostal for his book "Gadamer's Hermeneutics: Between Phenomenology and Dialectic".
#Gadamer #Hermeneutics #phenomenology #dialectic
#dialectic #phenomenology #hermeneutics #gadamer #newbooksnetwork
I really love #NewBooksNetwork podcast interviews. But some of the interviewers... the ones who read out the questions and give not the slightest indication that they're listening to the answers... I really love New Books Network interviews, except when I really really hate them
New on the UNC Press Presents Podcast via #NewBooksNetwork: J. Brent Morris discusses DISMAL FREEDOM: A History of the Maroons of the Great Dismal Swamp with Adam X. McNeil (stream/subscribe, or listen via
#spotifypodcasts #ApplePodcasts #Stitcher)
#newbooksnetwork #SpotifyPodcasts #applepodcasts #stitcher
New on the UNC Press Presents Podcast via #NewBooksNetwork: Viola Franziska Müller on ESCAPE TO THE CITY: Fugitive Slaves in the Antebellum Urban South (subscribe/stream, or listen via #ApplePodcasts #spotifypodcasts #Stitcher)
#newbooksnetwork #applepodcasts #SpotifyPodcasts #stitcher
I had the opportunity to extensively talk to Rudolf Inderst about my book "Freies Spiel" and the social impact of digital play on the #newbooksnetwork podcast.
#gamestudies #buechnerverlag
#newbooksnetwork #gamestudies #buechnerverlag
Beginning my day by listening to a new #podcast episode from the #NewBooksNetwork #EarlyModern #History channel, I found it featured an interview with Prof. Vincent Muñoz regarding his book “Religious Liberty and the American Founding: Natural Rights and the Original Meanings of the First Amendment Religion Clauses,” a scholar & title both previously unknown to me but now on my reading list. @bookstodon #bookstodon
#podcast #newbooksnetwork #earlymodern #history #bookstodon
New on UNC Press Presents Podcast via #NewBooksNetwork: Jonathan White discusses TO ADDRESS YOU AS MY FRIEND: African Americans' Letters to Abraham Lincoln with Omari Averette-Phillips. Stream/subscribe, or listen via #ApplePodcasts #spotifypodcasts
#newbooksnetwork #applepodcasts #SpotifyPodcasts
New on the UNC Press Presents Podcast via #NewBooksNetwork: Finis Dunaway on DEFENDING THE ARCTIC REFUGE: A Photographer, an Indigenous Nation, and a Fight for Environmental Justice. Subscribe/stream, or listen via #ApplePodcasts #SpotifyPodcasts #Stitcher
#newbooksnetwork #applepodcasts #SpotifyPodcasts #stitcher
📯Self-Promotion 🎙️
Don't miss this #podcast about my new #book "Generations of Empire: Youth from Ottoman to Italian Rule in the Mediterranean"
Many thanks to #NewBooksNetwork Middle Eastern Studies and Roberto Mazza for hosting me (a chat in English between two Emilians in Paris and Chicago...)
You can purchase the book @ University of Toronto Press, it's still 25% off with the code Guidi25
#podcast #book #newbooksnetwork #history #ottoman #italian
New on UNC Press Presents Podcast via #NewBooksNetwork: Kathleen Sprows Cummings discusses A SAINT OF OUR OWN: How the Quest for a Holy Hero Helped Catholics Become American w/host Lauren Horn Griff (subscribe/stream, or listen via #ApplePodcasts #spotifypodcasts #Stitcher)
#newbooksnetwork #applepodcasts #SpotifyPodcasts #stitcher
I'll throw in a "fourth" as a cheat: the New Books Network, which is not a single podcast but literally a collection of well over a hundred channels on academic topics (though many individual episodes will appear on multiple channels). This is the project of Marshall Poe.
Quality is uneven, both in production and hosting, and there is advertising, often sudden and intrusive. Still, as a place to find academic work and deep dives into topics very often not dominating news cycles or other cultural coverage, and for the huge back-catalogue (dating to the mid-aughts), again, an excellent resource. Some hosts are excellent, others ... grating with time. But I find myself returning frequently and being well rewarded more often than not.
#NewBooksNetwork #MarshallPoe #Podcasts #Recommendations
#newbooksnetwork #MarshallPoe #podcasts #recommendations