"The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19 - PMC"
#COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #NIH #NLM
#PharmaceuticalIndustry #Facts #Truth #IndependentAnalysis #UnbiasedAnalysis
#MedicalImplications #EmergingImplications
#EmergingData #EmergingEvidence #NewData
#newdata #emergingevidence #emergingdata #emergingimplications #medicalimplications #unbiasedanalysis #independentanalysis #truth #Facts #pharmaceuticalindustry #nationallibraryofmedicine #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nlm #nih #Coronavirus #COVID #COVID19
@jkpritch ya, very high value discussions are possible and a huge draw if we can extract them from the algo noise.
But with no text search to find relevant papers, it might take too much time to find the hot takes on controversial papers... We should have tags like #newdata or #datadiscussion or something.