There's real danger that *Cemex* - and other actions - will get fast-tracked to #SCOTUS so the dotards in robes can shatter our dreams for a better America.
Meyerson is cautiously optimistic here. At 40% (!), the Court's approval rating is at a low not seen since the #NewDeal showdowns. The Supremes don't have an army, they don't have cops, they just have legitimacy. If Americans refuse to acknowledge their decisions, all they can do it sit and stew:
Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency was a tragedy. Yet, by every measure, the great tragedy of LBJ’s tenure was found in the experience of his Vice President, Hubert Humphrey.
#CivilRights #NewDeal
Kiedy za reformami nie stoi większość, ludzie skłaniają się ku rewolcie. Dziś – prawicowej [WYWIAD]
Suweren dał rządzącym mandat, a ci mogą zrobić wszystko, co chcą? Niekoniecznie. Te naprawdę ważne reformy będą trwałe, jeśli stoi za nimi istotna większość społeczeństwa – przekonuje amerykański historyk Timothy Shenk na przykładzie zniesienia niewolnictwa i Nowego Ładu . Krzysztof Katkowski, Dlaczego napisałeś książkę o koalicjach w Ameryce? Przecież amerykańskie społeczeństwo jest spolaryzowane jak […]
#NiedzielaCięZaskoczy #NewDeal #Niewolnictwo #StanyZjednoczone
#niedzielaciezaskoczy #newdeal #niewolnictwo #stanyzjednoczone
"Really smart people" can't get us out of this mess. Instead, we need the kind of muscular political action - the "whirlwind" - that characterized #FDR's #NewDeal: "complete reformation of the banking industry.. just about every other industry as well. Regulation. Social Security. Public works. Antitrust. Soil conservation."
Exposure to New Deal employment policies in childhood is associated with long-term cognitive health benefits, partially thanks to increases in educational attainment among those with greater levels of emergency employment activity in the place where they were raised.
#NICHDImpact #Cognition #NewDeal #Policy #Employment #Education
#NICHDimpact #cognition #newdeal #policy #employment #Education
In 1933 some #WallStreet suits and a fascist military wing planned and almost executed a coup in response to #FDR and the #NewDeal.
No one was ever charged even after Senate hearings found definite proof of a planned fascist coup.
Something you probably never were taught in school.
A fascinating look at something many of us took for granted in our youths, but is now an endangered species: the public pool.
#publicpools #race #segregation #newdeal #privitization
July 20th, the anniversary of Democratic Party bosses sabotaging President Franklin Roosevelt's VP Henry Wallace renomination at the 1944 Chicago Democratic National Convention, despite Claude Pepper's valiant efforts. Less-popular Harry Truman won the final vote the next day.
One might consider this the beginning of the end of the progressive / populist New Deal #Democrats.☹️
#FDR #NewDeal #HenryWallace
#HenryWallace #newdeal #fdr #democrats
by #NoahLanard in #MotherJones:
"Schultz told this sob story as part of an effort to stop his workers from joining a union. But his telling ignored how his own family was sustained, especially in this trying period, by the gains of organized labor, in the form of post-war New York’s relatively abundant public housing. The two-bedroom unit the Schultzes called home in Brooklyn’s brand new Bayview Houses, built for families who made too much to qualify for other public housing developments, was the product of a New Deal–era partnership between leftists (many of them in the labor movement) and liberal elected officials who’d embraced their views in the wake of the Great Depression. Schultz and fellow elites have rejected that alliance as they cast unions as relics rendered unnecessary by their personal benevolence. Today, a faded plaque bearing the name of Mayor Robert F. Wagner Jr.—whose father, a senator, helped pass America’s most important piece of labor legislation—is about the only sign that the city was once proud of the complex."
#Starbucks #union #workers #labor #HowardSchultz #UnionBusting #PublicHousing #NewDeal #Buffalo #Brooklyn
#noahlanard #motherjones #starbucks #union #workers #labor #howardschultz #unionbusting #PublicHousing #newdeal #buffalo #brooklyn
@TheUSASingers Two decades to clean up tfg wholesale kakistocracy?☹️😡 How about #Carter - #Reagan - #Clinton anti-#NewDeal #neoliberalism? ☹️😡
#neoliberalism #newdeal #clinton #reagan #carter
Roosevelt’s ‘New Meal’ included a federal pops guarantee...
Those *were* the days.
#SweetHistory #HashtagGames #HashItOut
#NewDeal #USpol #LowQualityFacts
#lowqualityfacts #USpol #newdeal #hashitout #HashtagGames #sweethistory
"If mere dollars were to be considered, the actually destitute in our section could undoubtedly have been fed and clothed more cheaply than the works projects [that] have been carried out. But in our national economy, manhood must be considered as well as money. People employed to do some useful work may retain their self-respect to a degree impossible under cash relief…"
"If we must worry so over the ruinous effects of 'made work' on people of this type, why haven’t we been worrying for generations over the character of the idlers to whom some accident of birth or inheritance has given wealth unmeasured, unearned, and unappreciated?"
#raykahn #masculinity #wpa #newdeal #dustbowl #work
Keep doing it. Throw in every solution including the kitchen sink - but *never* give into the GOP's demand for Biden to violate his promise to the American people and unilaterally tear up laws establishing programs that make our lives better.
This is what Lincoln did when the Supreme Court blocked his attempts to end slavery. It's what #FDR did when they blocked the #NewDeal.
May 8, anniversary of #FDR VP Henry Wallace's 1942 Common Man speech at the Free World Association in New York City
Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" was inspired by this speech. Wallace called for Century of the Common Man, as opposed to publisher Henry Luce's "American Century"
#HenryWallace #CommonMan #NewDeal
#newdeal #commonman #HenryWallace #fdr
Hey look at this
* My Introduction to My Class on "#NewDeal & #Neoliberal Orders"
* DHSR'S Blog: Red Team Blues
* We’ve Been Measuring the Economy All Wrong (h/t @kottke)
#NewDeal for New #Americans Act would establish a National Office of #NewAmericans
#newdeal #americans #newamericans
April 12th - the anniversary of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's tragic 1945 death.☹️
Alas, the end of the New Deal started some nine months earlier, on July 20, 1944 at the Chicago Democratic National Convention, where party bosses sabotaged much-liked progressive populist VP Henry Wallace's nomination😡 in favor of moderate Harry Truman. 😡
#democrats #neoliberal #newdeal #HenryWallace #fdr
@wdlindsy We can thank her for the New Deal/Social Security. She lived her compassion. Here is a website dedicated to Francis Perkins…an incredible human who happened to be a woman. #francesperkins #newdeal #socialsecurity #employeesafety
#francesperkins #newdeal #SocialSecurity #employeesafety
The law didn't change, but once those judges saw that they were standing athwart a vast social upheaval, those judges' formerly iron certainties about the law crumbled.
That wasn't the only time the Supremes discovered heretofore unsuspected flexibilities in their granite certainty about the Constitution. Under #FDR, a pro-oligarch Supreme Court consistently struck down the wildly popular #NewDeal policies that won him a landslide electoral victory.
2/23 Who is the greatest American #president? Most short lists include:
#GeorgeWashington, the visionary #RevolutionaryWar hero, #FoundingFather and 1st president. Quite the resume.
#FranklinDRoosevelt, the only four-term president and architect of the #NewDeal. No slouch either.
However, the nod usually goes to #AbrahamLincoln. After all, "he freed the slaves" and kept the Union together through #CivilWar victory.
And, he was...a #Republican!
#president #georgewashington #revolutionarywar #foundingfather #franklindroosevelt #newdeal #abrahamlincoln #civilwar #republican