My Masterverse and Bayverse shelves need a bit of sorting out. 🙂
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#mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #motu #heman #actionfigures #toys #transformers #studioseries #bayverse #moturevelation #neweternia
I think the Ramen Toys Dolph heads look good on the New Eternia viking and battle armor He-Man bodies too. 🙂
#dolphlundgren #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #masterverse #neweternia #actionfigures #toys
#dolphlundgren #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #masterverse #neweternia #actionfigures #toys
Masterverse New Eternia Ram Man
Very cool figure of the classic character. Looks great in his traditional and New Eternia looks. Being a deluxe I didn't think I could afford this one currently but super nice fellow collector prince_adam_toys on insta hooked me up with one that was a total bargain due to partially damaged box. The figure itself is great. Thanks so much, sir. 🙂
mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #motu #actionfigures #toys #ramman #neweternia
#masterverse #motu #actionfigures #toys #ramman #neweternia
Winged Warriors Buzz-Off and Sun-Man from Masters of the Universe.
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #neweternia #sunman #buzzoff #toys
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #neweternia #sunman #buzzoff #toys
Masterverse New Eternia Whiplash
Fun figure. And he's another big one, nearly as tall as Two-Bad. And yeah I accidentally got two (forgot about one I pre-ordered back in May) but sent back that first £35 one and kept the £27 one. 🙂
Still kinda wish there was a Revelation figure with Motherboard alternate parts though. Motherboard is ordered and she needs more minions. 🙂
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #neweternia #actionfigures #toys #motu
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #neweternia #actionfigures #toys #motu
Masterverse New Eternia Vykron
All three outfits displayed at same time using a spare Man-At-Arms for the tank look (the two tone green looks extra military) and a spare Revelation He-Man wearing the space suit. Vykron himself needed a sword and the dark version of the movie Power Sword that came with movie Skeletor looks rather Conan-like
#mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #neweternia #vykron #actionfigures #toys #heman #motu
#mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #neweternia #vykron #actionfigures #toys #heman #motu
Quick outdoor shot of Masterverse New Eternia Buzz-Off
#masterverse #neweternia #buzzoff #mastersoftheuniverse #actionfigures #toys #motu
#masterverse #neweternia #buzzoff #mastersoftheuniverse #actionfigures #toys #motu
Maaterverse New Eternia Buzz-Off
Great update of the bee guy I had 80s toy of when I was a kid. Love the new style face (original was kinda goofy). The pincers open (same mold used for Clawful's smaller hand) and the wings look good. I noticed the loincloth part in this new wave (including Vykron) are thinner and more flexible. He-Man figure could do with that so he can be seated in Battle Cat's saddle easier.
#masterverse #neweternia #buzzoff #mastersoftheuniverse #actionfigures #toys #motu
#masterverse #neweternia #buzzoff #mastersoftheuniverse #actionfigures #toys #motu
Masterverse New Eternia Battle Armor He-Man (yet again)
Really liking how this new darker shade of metallic paint shines. Also I wanted to see how he looks with his traditional shield so swapped left arm with one from another He-Man that can hold that shield. I really like the Dragon Walker shield but this one matches his armour colour scheme better especially after I added that metallic paint to this shield too.
#mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #neweternia #heman #actionfigures #toys #motu
#mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #neweternia #heman #actionfigures #toys #motu
Masterverse New Eternia Battle Armor He-Man
Just painted over my old paint with a darker metallic paint. I think the old one was far too light. I like this shade on his armor more.
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #actionfigures #toys #heman #neweternia
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #actionfigures #toys #heman #neweternia
Masterverse New Eternia Beast Man
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #beastman #actionfigures #toys #neweternia
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #beastman #actionfigures #toys #neweternia
For us Masterverse collectors in the UK: have pre-order listings for ten of the new figures including two Deluxes.
The 4 pack photos amuse me because they look like they gonna sing Bohemian Rhapsody (or should that be Bo-He-Man Rhapsody... and when Bow gets his eventual Masterverse figure that would be Bow-He-Man...ok I'll stop now 😋)
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #moturevelation #actionfigures #skeletor #toys #heman #neweternia
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #moturevelation #actionfigures #skeletor #toys #heman #neweternia
8 of the cool new Masterverse figures are now available pre-order on Amazon US. These are all non-deluxes so cost $21.99 each.
May 12th - Revelation Classic Mer-Man, Princess of Power Grizzlor, New Eternia Faker and New Eternia Buzz-Off
August 26th - Revelation Prince Adam, Revelation Horde Skeletor, Revelation Clamp Champ and New Eternia Webstor.
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #heman #skeletor
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #skeletor
Also while I have two New Eternia Beast Man figures I thought I may as well take a pic of them side by side in the two different outfits. The shaman and the traditional. Still like that the bear skin and armour of the shaman is directly based on the 'Ursis Prime' bear from the old MotU concept art for the character that evolved into Beast Man. That's cool. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #beastman
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #beastman
Something about Man-E-Faces' new character 'Military Brat' bugs Teela... 🤔
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #actionfigures #toys #teela #manefaces
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #actionfigures #toys #teela #manefaces
Masterverse New Eternia Man-E-Faces
Another cool figure. Nice sculpt and colours. Comes with six faces. Any combination of three can be attached to the rotating barrel part inside the head. The other three can be stored in his suitcase. Unlike the Origins figure his helmet cannot turn, because of how it's designed to be removable to attach other faces.
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#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #manefaces #actionfigures #toys
Masterverse New Eternia 'Barbarian' Skeletor
Finally picked this one up now I found it in a sale. The 'Barabarian' look is loosely inspired by the 'Demo-Man' concept art that evolved into the original Skeletor and you can swap the head and remove the cloaked armour to make a more traditional Skelly. It's not my fave Masterverse Skeletor figure but he's cool. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #skeletor
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #skeletor
Masterverse New Eternia Jitsu
Cool figure. Interesting that this incarnation is a good guy as opposed to previous versions being a villain. And seems I got the US version with the bio on the box. Nice. I like the new mask and general appearance of the figure. I kinda wish the armour was more pinkish red if the box art than the orangey red it is but he's cool.
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #jitsu #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #jitsu #actionfigures #toys
He-Man vs Two-Bad
(again no shadows, sorry)
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #twobad
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #twobad
Masterverse New Eternia Two-Bad
Excellent figure and a great update of the character. Sculpt and paint are very well done. He comes with a shield, two different clubs, big axe and a pistol. He's also the new tallest figure in Masterverse, even taller than NE Beast and and Rev Skelegod. Definitely a great addition to the line.
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#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #neweternia #twobad