Babu Menos · @babumenos
678 followers · 4395 posts · Server

Now I am excited!

A new Wes Anderson film is due in June! “Asteroid City” has a stellar cast, as always, stunning images, as always, and judging from this trailer, one commentator seems to be spot on: “Just when you don’t think it can get more Wes Anderson, it gets more Wes Anderson.”

Thanks 🙏 @luthien1126
for bringing this to my attention with your post

#film #films #movie #movies #newfilms #newmovies #cinema #asteroidcity #WesAnderson #scarlettjohansson #jasonschwartzman #tildaswinton #tomhanks #edwardnorton #adrienbrody #lievschreiber #hopedavis #mattdillon #WillemDafoe #margotrobbie #jeffgoldblum

Last updated 1 year ago