Global News BC: Penticton, B.C. homeowner ‘frustrated’ with new home warranty process #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FlooringDeficiencies #FlooringConcerns #WarrantyConcerns #NewHomeWarranty #TravelersCanada #southokanagan #HomeWarranty #NewFlooring #SkahaHills #penticton #Consumer
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #flooringdeficiencies #flooringconcerns #warrantyconcerns #newhomewarranty #travelerscanada #southokanagan #homewarranty #newflooring #skahahills #penticton #Consumer
We got the sofa table and the rug, with a pad, delivered this morning.
We also got all of the stuff you see on the sofa table to decorate it a bit as well.
You can also see the carpet to flooring transition that they put into place.
In 3 - 4 weeks we'll have a bookcase that matches the dining room table and chairs. Can't wait for that.
What do y'all think of the newly redone living room?
#SofaTable #NewRug #LivingRoom #DiningRoom #NewFlooring #Decorations
#sofatable #newrug #livingroom #diningroom #newflooring #decorations
The contractors are done with the removal of the old carpet and flooring, and the new flooring is in place.
Here is a link to the before images:
And attached are the after images.
I think the new flooring looks so much nicer, especially in person where it's even lighter.
#remodel #flooring #lvp #newflooring #houserepairs
Contractors showed up nice and early today to start ripping out the flooring in the kitchen and the carpet in the dining room and living room areas. They are replacing all of it with LVP flooring.
The pictures below is how it looked this morning before they got started.
I'll post pictures of it after they are done, though that might not be until tomorrow.
#remodel #flooring #lvp #newflooring #houserepairs