Why You Don’t Need New Year’s Resolutions to Set Goals
The pressure to make New Year’s resolutions can be stressful, and it’s common to feel disappointed if we struggle to stick to our goals. However, it’s important to remember that failing is a normal part of the process and that we can make positive changes at any time. The start of a new year is not a magical date that holds any special power, and we have control over our own journey. Instead of relying on resolutions, consider setting specific goals, creating a vision board, and focusing on what makes us happy and motivated to make changes in our lives.
You can read the full article on my website: https://www.belagaytan.com/why-you-dont-need-new-years-resolutions-to-set-goals
Image description: “Why you don’t need new year’s resolutions to set goals” is set on a semi-transparent lilac box with fireworks in the background.
#PositiveChange #SetGoals #Development #GoalGetter #NewHabits
#positivechange #setgoals #development #goalgetter #newhabits
This is the first time i am writing a post on any platform and not resharing or retweeting. Wanting to break barriers of never did it. I want to start doing it more frequent and making it my habit in 2023. #hope #newhabits #trying
Yesterday, I replaced bird app icon with Mastedon icon on the phone. My happiness level has already gone up. Since Tweeter.... is a private company now it is chaotic and boring at the same time. Especially since I muted the current owner 6 months ago. #newhabits #notwitter #2023
I'm building the habit of using hashtags at the end of my posts and capitalizing the words. By capitalizing even the lone words, I'm more likely to remember to capitalize words in multi-word hashtags which makes them more accessible (both to screen-reading software and human minds).
#hashtags #accessibility #inclusivity #newhabits
I'm building the habit of using hashtags at the end of my posts and capitalizing the words. By capitalizing even the lone words, I'm more likely to remember to capitalize words in multi-word hashtags which makes them more accessible (both to screen-reading software and human minds).
#hashtags #accessibility #inclusivity #newhabits
Ok I’m starting a daily exercise regime tomorrow….one day #yoga alternating with one day #running. This is the new me regime! #newhabits every week for a year! #exercise #motivateme
#motivateme #exercise #newhabits #running #yoga
How to handle breaking news without the birdsite?
So I’m trying to notice my many habits that lead me grab my phone and go to Twitter. And how do I want to react going forward?
Today I saw a CW content warning for “CO shooting” and my stomach sank. For the gravity of what must have happened but also for how to respond.
#newhabits #NewMastodonHabits #meta #mastodon #Twitter
From the tips being posted say, sharing and searching hashtags is the way. And the ability to follow hashtags like people is in the works?
I get what you're saying about the algorithms showing you new and interesting things. I like that too. But this model is more us contributing and showing each other new stuff than The Algorithm deciding what we see.
#NewHabits #NewHereToo
"Was Autofahren wirklich kostet
Eine neue Studie zeigt: Viele können sich ihr #Auto nur leisten, weil die Gesellschaft die #Kosten für Gesundheits- und #Umweltschäden trägt – mit rund 5.000 Euro pro Jahr. "
Und nachdem was ich so erlebe, sind sich die meisten nicht einmal den Kosten bewusst, die sie selber zahlen. Neben dem Spritpreis werden Wertverlust&Reparaturen, Versicherung uvm vergessen/unterschätzt.
#Verkehrswende #Öffis #OPNV #Fahrrad #Gewohnheiten #NewHabits
#newhabits #gewohnheiten #fahrrad #opnv #öffis #verkehrswende #umweltschäden #kosten #auto
I remain deeply offended by the suggestion that I’d eat an entire fruit tart without chewing & that it’d settle, facing the right way up, in my knee. This has never happened, and I’ve taken in a LOT of fruit tarts.
RT @fastic@twitter.com
Benefits beyond weight loss 💪 Start new eating habits today 🥗 Install the free app 📲 #fastic #newhabits