The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good.
#BertrandRussell (1872 – 1970)
#newhopesforachangingworld #BertrandRussell
The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good.
#BertrandRussell (1872 – 1970)
#bertrandrussell #newhopesforachangingworld
The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good.
#BertrandRussell (1872 – 1970)
#bertrandrussell #newhopesforachangingworld