What's new in Chrome 114 video is out, with:
✨ text-wrap: balance
✨ cookies having independent partitioned state (CHIPS)
✨ popover API
And more!
**#webdev** **#css** **#newinChrome** **#googlechrome**
#webdev #css #newinchrome #googlechrome
Chrome 110 is rolling out now! Add custom style to your picture-in-picture elements with the new :picture-in-picture pseudo class, set your web app launch behavior with launch_handler, use the credentialless attribute in iframes to embed third party content that doesn’t set a cross origin embedder policy and there’s plenty more.
(y con subtítulos en español 😉 )
#webdev #css #pictureinpicture #newinchrome #browser #launchhandler #pwa #webapp #aquítambiénhablamosespañol
#webdev #css #pictureinpicture #newinchrome #browser #launchhandler #pwa #webapp #aquitambienhablamosespanol
RT @petele@twitter.com
Chrome 75 is rolling out now! I've got details on how to reduce latency on canvas elements, the new file sharing capabilities of the Web Share API, and highlights some of my favorite talks from #io19 in my latest #NewInChrome post https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/06/nic75