Siirtymässä pikkuhiljaa Twitteristä tänne. Kiinnostuksenaiheina erityisesti ympäristökriisi, luonto, ilmasto, ihmisoikeudet ja yhteiskunnan oikeudenmukaisuus sekä kulttuuri monissa muodoissaan.
Moving here from Twitter. My main interests are nature, environment, climate crisis, biodiversity, human rights and social justice.
Question - for a public relations brand, which would be the best #mastodon #server ?? #publicrelations #journalism #newinmastodon
#mastodon #server #publicrelations #journalism #newinmastodon
#bnw #bw #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #biancoenero #noiretblanc #smoke #bnweurope #monochome #monochromatic #photo #picture #mood #italy #noel #christmas #natale #navidad #community #bnwpeople #bnwlife #bnwlove #bnwmood #bnwshot #bnwzone #bnwpassion #portrait #greatshots #blogger #photoblog #photoblackwhite #photoblogger #mastodon #puglia #winter #cold #blancoynegrofotografia #newinmastodon
#bnw #bw #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #biancoenero #noiretblanc #smoke #bnweurope #monochome #monochromatic #photo #picture #mood #italy #noel #christmas #natale #navidad #community #bnwpeople #bnwlife #bnwlove #bnwmood #bnwshot #bnwzone #bnwpassion #portrait #greatshots #blogger #photoblog #photoblackwhite #photoblogger #mastodon #puglia #winter #cold #blancoynegrofotografia #newinmastodon
¿Nuevo por aquí? ¿Perdido? Tranquilo, no eres el único. Esta guía básica de la gente de Humanities Commons quizá te sea de utilidad (en inglés):
#HumanitiesCommons #bienvenidoamastodon #newinmastodon
I remember in 2010 when Facebook was blocked in Pakistan, many of us switched to Twitter and never went back. Now as we are witnessing the doom of Twitter maybe it's time to try a new platform. #newsocial #NewInMastodon #NewExperiment
#newsocial #newinmastodon #NewExperiment
New here. I actually like the idea and the interface is pretty dope. Anyone have suggestions on who to follow? #NewInMastodon
Eigentlich wollte ich ja nicht wieder neu anfangen, was eine Social Media Plattform angeht.
Aber wenn ich sehe wie nach und nach die lieben Menschen aus meiner TwitterBubble hierherkommen, das hat mich dann doch umgestimmt.
Und ganz vielleicht ist es ja auch gar nicht so übel hier :blobcatthink:
#newuser #newinmastodon
Elegí el dominio de por obvias razones. La mitad del feed local está en alemán y yo tengo terror de estarme perdiendo algo.
I chose the dominion for obvious reasons. Now, half my local feed is in German and I have an irrational fear of missing something cool.
#FirstaWorldProblemsLivingInTheThirdOne #IchSprechenKeinDeutsch #ImNotNerdEnough #NewInMastodon #Rookie
#firstaworldproblemslivinginthethirdone #ichsprechenkeindeutsch #imnotnerdenough #newinmastodon #rookie
i am a beginner with bujo. i have decided to combine my private and professional interests more and hope it will help me a little.
My focus here will be more on notes and mindfulness and later transfer to my second brain will be.
just start and see where it goes.
#bujo #bulletjournal #taschencoach #newinmastodon @writingwoman
#newinmastodon #taschencoach #bulletjournal #bujo