"I like that you let me know you're alive and not being murdered by some Jersey Turnpike road rage asshole.
... Not that that's a thing I've worried about or anything..."
—my out-of-state hottie mom friend once, who even bothered to call our highway system by its appropriate name... how thoughtful

#newjersey #nj #newjerseyturnpike

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
135 followers · 522 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I don't travel much, but I was in New York City recently, and ended up on the highway outside of the city.

The fact that this landscape in was so close to how "Jersey" is depicted in is absolutely hilarious.

(Yes, I know not all of New Jersey actually looks like this. 😁 )

#newjersey #stephenuniverse #pollution #smog #jersey #nyc #newjerseyturnpike #lifeless #desolate #concrete #wasteland #lapislazuli

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
135 followers · 522 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I don't travel much, but I was in New York City recently, and ended up on the highway outside of the city.

The fact that this landscape in was so close to how "Jersey" is depicted in is absolutely hilarious.

(Yes, I know not all of New Jersey actually looks like this. 😁 )

#newjersey #stephenuniverse #pollution #smog #jersey #nyc #newjerseyturnpike #lifeless #desolate #concrete #wasteland

Last updated 2 years ago