All this ChatGPT stuff is all well and good and all, but I’ve been here for 42 years and people still don’t chat with me…… #newkidontheblock #damninitials #banter
#newkidontheblock #damninitials #banter
❓ Who are we - part 2.
ERSTE Foundation is a #private #savings #bank #foundation in accordance with the Austrian Savings Banks Act. According to its foundation #declaration, it has to fulfil two functions at the same time: to serve the #commongood and to hold a permanent #stake in #ErsteGroup. We invest parts of the #dividend from our stake in Erste Group in #philanthropic #projects. More about our #governance:
#private #savings #bank #foundation #declaration #commongood #stake #erstegroup #dividend #philanthropic #projects #governance #johnmastodon #newkidontheblock
❓ Wer sind wir - Teil 2.
Die ERSTE Stiftung ist eine #Sparkassen-#Privatstiftung gemäß österreichischem 🇦🇹
#Sparkassengesetz. Entsprechend ihrer #Stiftungserklärung hat sie gleichzeitig zwei Funktionen zu erfüllen: dem #Gemeinwohl zu dienen und eine dauerhafte Beteiligung an der #ErsteGroup zu halten. Wir investieren Teile der #Dividende aus unserer Beteiligung an der Erste Group in gemeinnützige #Projekte. Mehr zu unserer #Governance:
#sparkassen #privatstiftung #sparkassengesetz #stiftungserklarung #gemeinwohl #erstegroup #dividende #projekte #governance #johnmastodon #newkidontheblock
@georgetakei I’d like to follow you but so far I’ve only found report/block/mute. #newkidontheblock
Hi all!
Finally made the jump over here from the bird app. I'll probably keep checking in there until the ship has capsized, but wanted to have another place to find all the great people I follow there!
Enjoying what I've seen here so far; reminds me of early Twitter days from when I joined (like, 14 years ago? ....woah).
Let's see where this thing goes!
#TwitterMigration #NewKidOnTheBlock #NewHere
#twittermigration #newkidontheblock #newhere
How do I post a pic? There’s no place to add one in a new post. I am on an new Gen 10 iPad
#helpwithmastodon #howdoIpostapic #newkidontheblock
#helpwithmastodon #howdoipostapic #newkidontheblock