This is what happens when a regulatory regime is allowed to run on for three decades. Early on - in the 1990s - the snags were not apparent to the same extent. Which was why #NewLabour dropped the idea of #renationalisation albeit rather later than in the case of other public utilities. Time for a rethink on this?
He also had a really damaging effect on political culture in the #uk in the 1990s. Elements in #NewLabour appear to have seen #forzaitalia as a model to follow. This was highlighted in the work by #colincrouch on "post-democracy" - a withering critique published close to 2000. Events have since taught #labour something different and it seems unlikely that that particular model will re-emerge.
#uk #newlabour #forzaitalia #colincrouch #labour
The South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre was - and is - located within an existing site of an #nhs hospital with emergency/urgent care facilities. It is operated by the #nhsand services such as cleaning are not contracted out. It was funded by £ 16M. of public capital from the #NationalLoansFund rather than private finance. Despite thus breaking with every #NewLabour principle it has been a great success over nearly two decades.
#NHS #nhsand #nationalloansfund #newlabour
The trip was unusual in that I was doing it on behalf of Wandsworth Community Health Council - an organisation that the #NewLabour was seeking to abolish - it took them three years and four months to do so. Community Health Councils had been created in 1974 by the #Labour government of Harold Wilson to represent the interests of patients and the public in the #nhs. They had survived a certain amount of unfavourable attention from the #Conservatives after 1979.
#newlabour #labour #NHS #conservatives
That fits with my experience. It has to be said that the #NewLabour #Government was dangerously naive in its approach to the private sector. This made many of its programmes far less cost effective and value for money than they need have been.
One has to hope that lessons will have been learnt - and that the next #Labour government will avoid that particular mistake.
#newlabour #government #labour
"There are those of us who exist in a more or less free society. And there are those who, while also living within the borders of the United Kingdom, exist in a police state. If the rest of us knew these people existed and what was being done to them in our name, we would scarcely believe it"
George Monbiot on Indefinite Public Protection prison sentences, still affecting 2892 prisoners.
#IPP #Prisons #NewLabour #PoliceState #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #policestate #newlabour #prisons #IPP
This need not mean restricting #Healthcare provision. Rather it means avoiding a repetition of the mistakes made last time - paying massively over the odds in order to bring in the #privatesector being an obvious example. The embarrassing history of #NHSIT is another one.
Which means being prepared to accept that the period of #NewLabour #government, although positive in very many ways, was in no sense any kind of prelapsarian #GoldenAge!
#healthcare #privatesector #nhsit #newlabour #government #goldenage
Abuses and intelligence failures hang over UK 20 years after Iraq war
Moral reputation of UK intelligence and military has been tarnished for a generation
#tonyblair #newlabour #war #intelligencefailure #iraq
On this day 20 years ago, Robin Cook tried to stop the Iraq war. I helped write that historic speech
He grieved that he was unable to avert the conflict. But look at his words: he was so right and, had he endured, would have offered much more
#newlabour #illegalwar #robincook #politics #iraq
So, in today's scumbag news, Blairite stuffed shi(r)t, Keith "KeirStarmer" Stalin said the #NHS should be 'reformed' (as in, privatised) and that there should be a 'respectful' debate on whether #trans people should be allowed to exist.
What's the story, closet Toraidh?
#UKNews #UKPolitics #News #Centrists #NewLabour
#nhs #trans #uknews #ukpolitics #news #centrists #newlabour
If radicals fail to make clear demands on #KeirStarmer, #NewLabour’s old guard will take advantage, writes the economist @Meadwaj.
‘#Starmerism’s default setting is managerial and its default mode of address is to the political centre. Without a defence of the more radical elements of his programme, as they come under attack from the remnants of #Blairism, a reversion to the #Westminster status quo is virtually guaranteed.’
#keirstarmer #newlabour #starmerism #blairism #westminster #ukpolitics Kompromiss wäre ja schön und gut, aber hier hat sich fast ausschließlich die FDP durchgesetzt - wohl um der SPD den Mindestlohn zu ermöglichen. Die Grünen sehe ich hier leider nur als #Greenwashing-Dienstleister für ein sozialliberales Bündnis à la #NewLabour.
Ein fliegender Wechsel wie 1982 zur #niewiedercdu - vielleicht auch noch mit #Merz - ist da schon abzusehen...
#greenwashing #newlabour #niewiedercdu #merz
Hin und wieder ist landläufig zu hören der Niedergang der #Sozialdemokratie sei eine Tragödie. Dem ist nicht so. Die Genoss*innen haben sich jeden ihrer politischen Abstürze hart erarbeitet ... #newlabour #Schroeder #olafscholz
#sozialdemokratie #newlabour #Schroeder #olafscholz