past: enwoken
present: enwaken
future: enwaken will
(I donʼt much like the term ‘woke’ but seeing who’s using it and how, it does seem to be quite a respectable descriptor. So I guess I should learn how to use it, right?)
Jeg skriver korte og lette barnehistorier for å lære norsk. Det gjør deg i godt humør.
#jeglærernorsk #norsk #newlanguage
Another 45min Norwegian lesson that let's me behind with mixed feelings of:
- This language is so easy to read and write.
- I will never understand a native speaker.
Jeg forstår (ikke).
#learnnorwegian #norway #newlanguage
What are your best tips for learning a new language? Next to going to the country to be forced to speak more? How do you train vocabulary, grammar etc.?
First #Norwegian lesson done ✅
It's mid of February. Have you done a step towards your 2023 goals?
#norwegian #goalsetting #newlanguage #vocabulary #languagelearning
#newtongue we put #newlanguage and #Neusprache in one tag together!
feel free to enter dicussions and beeing creative
#newtongue #newlanguage #neusprache
the second word we introduce to #Newlanguage is #Newlanguage itself , meaning the name of this language or tongue.
feel free to add words yourselfes, be creative, uphold the ancient rules burned in your hearts by your grandmothers!
#Newlanguage GO
fran sagt catom ab jetzt wenn fran will das fran weiß daß fran #Newlanguage spricht 🤔😇
the first word i introduce in english sounding #Newlanguage is not only about justice, this one is about is about respect too.
it replaces the word cat, meaning felis catus , our domesticated family member the cat.
and now in #Newlanguage (1):
"it replaces the word catom, meaning felis catus , our domesticated famiy member the catom."
this new word reminds us to
RESPECT THE OTHER IN ALL ITS POSSIBLE FORMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
#Neusprache :
man —> frau+man= #fran
ihr/ihm —-> ihr+ihm= #ihrm
eine/einer ——> eine + einer „wird zu“ #einerm *
*wir errinern uns: bei #Neusprache geht es nicht um Korrerektheit sondern darum nicht zu vergessen das wir #change_all_traditions müssen
mal sehen wie lange das dauert bis DUDEN / NEUDUDEN
#neusprache #fran #ihrm #einerm #change_all_traditions #newlanguage
Money or Life ? ( MONEY XOR LIFE)
Earth is pointing full loaded unlocked weapon at us asking Money or Life?
our answer : sorry sir, i do not undrstand your language, but do you know the way to the most luxurious restaurant in town?
#replace_capitalism_with_freedom #true_justice #bring_down_babylon #ClimateChage #climateactivism #climateaction #feminism #newlanguage #change_all_traditions
#replace_capitalism_with_freedom #true_justice #bring_down_babylon #ClimateChage #climateactivism #climateaction #feminism #newlanguage #change_all_traditions
#replace_capitalism_with_freedom #true_justice
#ClimateChage #climateactivism #climateaction
#feminism #newlanguage
now you will ask what #newlanguage has to do with the rest above?
it is about #change_all_traditions
it is all about saving our planet, saving life on earth and consequently saving ourselfes AND FOR THAT WE HAVE TO CHANGE ALL TRADITIONS. Changing language will remind us constantly that we have to think different than we were used to.
#Neusprache #Fran #ihrm ist die Deutche version von #newlanguage
#replace_capitalism_with_freedom #true_justice #bring_down_babylon #ClimateChage #climateactivism #climateaction #feminism #newlanguage #change_all_traditions #neusprache #fran #ihrm