Donald J. Trump should be disqualified under the 14th Amendment & then President Biden should Withdraw from the race!! & make himself a self-made one-term president Time to pass the baton to a new generation! #passbaton #newleadership #24
In 2019, the #BetaCodex Network published two important research papers about #change & #transformation:
Paper 15: Secrets of Very Fast Organizational Transformation and
Paper 16: From Now to New, Right Here: Change-as Flipping
The two papers outline key concepts and theory behind the #OpenSpaceBeta approach, developed the previous year. They also mark a new era in #OrganizationalDevelopment: Away from planned change and #ChangeManagement, and towards "change work done together with all the willing". Both papers were written by our associates @silkehermann and @nielspflaeging.
#betacodex #VFOT #agile #lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #ChangeLeadership #kotter
#betacodex #change #transformation #openspacebeta #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #vfot #agile #Lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #changeleadership #kotter
#mutigMenschSEIN #NewLeadership #KulturundWirtschaft #haltungentscheidet
Einladung, Inspiration und Ermutigung #Kultur und #Wirtschaft näher zusammen zu bringen mit dem Ziel eine menschenorientierte Steigerung der #Wertschöpfung gemeinsam zu gestalten:
#mutigmenschsein #newleadership #kulturundwirtschaft #haltungentscheidet #kultur #wirtschaft #wertschopfung
News from BetaCodex Press!
#drucker #peterdrucker #whatwoulddruckerdo #leadership #management #orgdev #orgdesign #sustainability #newwork #newleadership #betacodex #lean #agile
#drucker #peterdrucker #whatwoulddruckerdo #leadership #management #orgdev #orgdesign #sustainability #newwork #newleadership #betacodex #Lean #agile
It has been 15 years since the #BetaCodex broke away from #BeyondBudgeting. The new tagline for Beyond Budgeting "Performance. The right way." is well chosen: It shows that the movement wants to be about "better performance
management." Fair enough.
Compare this with Beta, if you like:
#agility #lean #selforganization #decentralization #performance #orgdev #orgdesign
#newwork #leadership #newleadership
#betacodex #beyondbudgeting #agility #Lean #selforganization #decentralization #performance #orgdev #orgdesign #newwork #leadership #newleadership
"What would Deming do?" My new book with the best quotes from the great man of organizational leadership, excellence & transformation is coming on 1 March! Pre-order now from Red42 or through your favorite bookstore!
#whatwoulddemingdo #betacodex #agile #lean #leanmanagement #totalquality #leadership #management #transformation #deming #orgdev #systemsthinking #systemstheory #orgdesign #org #newwork #newleadership
#whatwoulddemingdo #betacodex #agile #lean #leanmanagement #totalquality #leadership #management #transformation #deming #orgdev #systemsthinking #systemstheory #orgdesign #org #newwork #newleadership
Niels Pflaeging explains why the #BetaCodex Network needs to undertake #research. Why Beta is not yet getting the traction it deserves, and why we must learn faster.
#BetaCodexNetwork #change #transformation #orgdev #orgdesign #openspacebeta @nielspflaeging @BetaCodex_DE @BetaCodexBrasil #newwork #leadership #agile #agility #lean #teal #scrum #kanban #newleadership
#betacodex #research #betacodexnetwork #change #transformation #orgdev #orgdesign #openspacebeta #newwork #leadership #agile #agility #Lean #teal #scrum #kanban #newleadership
What would Deming do?
You are going to be surprised. Pre-order my new book with the best quotes from W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993), here: #deming #whatwoulddemingdo #betacodexpress #betacodex #tqm #lean #agile #systemsthinking #newwork #leadership #management #newleadership #futureofleadership
#deming #whatwoulddemingdo #betacodexpress #betacodex #TQM #lean #agile #systemsthinking #newwork #leadership #management #newleadership #futureofleadership
RT @mpahladsingh: Great to catch up with my inspiring friend @samiraraf #newleadership #futureofpolitics #europe
#newleadership #futureofpolitics #Europe
Our 2nd #BetaCodex research project was just made visible on our research page: This project is headed by @silkehermann
#sustainability #betacodex #leadership #organizations #climatechange #circulareconomy #newleadership
#betacodex #sustainability #leadership #organizations #climatechange #CircularEconomy #newleadership
Stamp out organizational conspiracy theories.
Otherwise, sooner or later, those conspiracy theories will stamp out the organization.
#betacodex #narratives #stroytelling #orgdev #transformation #agile #lean #scrum #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #red42 #myths #orgdesign #agility #newleadership
#betacodex #narratives #stroytelling #orgdev #transformation #agile #lean #scrum #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #red42 #myths #orgdesign #agility #newleadership
#TimeBoxedChange is here.
It's the future of organizational change and transformation.
The proper alternative to #changemanagement.
Learn about it:
#orgdev #OrganizationalDevelopment #change #vfot #openspacebeta #workthesystem #changeasflipping #ChangeLeadership #leadership #agiletransformation #newwork #newleadership #culturechange @silkehermann #betacodex
#timeboxedchange #changemanagement #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #change #vfot #openspacebeta #workthesystem #changeasflipping #changeleadership #leadership #agiletransformation #newwork #newleadership #culturechange #betacodex
@BetaCodex_DE Das abgebildete Poster kann man übrigens auch kaufen. Hier:
#red42 #betacodex #workthesystem #systemsthinking #Organisationsentwicklung #agil #agiletransformation #leanmanagement #newwork #newpay #newleadership
#red42 #betacodex #workthesystem #systemsthinking #organisationsentwicklung #agil #agiletransformation #leanmanagement #newwork #newpay #newleadership
A bit of news about #FollettPublishing!
#follett #red42 #leadership #betacodex #decentralizerepeat #businessbook #businessbooks #newwork #newleadership #publisher #cellstructuredesign #agile #lean #scrum
#follettpublishing #follett #red42 #leadership #betacodex #decentralizerepeat #businessbook #businessbooks #newwork #newleadership #publisher #cellstructuredesign #agile #lean #scrum
In 20119 the #BetaCodex Network published two important white papers about #change and #transformation:
Paper 15: Secrets of Very Fast Organizational Transformation and
Paper 16: From Now to New, Right Here: Change-as Flipping
These papers outline key concepts and theory behind the #OpenSpaceBeta approach, developed the previous year. They also mark a new era in #OrganizationalDevelopment: Away from planned change and #ChangeManagement, and towards "change work, with all the willing". Both papers were written by our associates @silkehermann and @nielspflaeging
#betacodex #VFOT #agile #lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #ChangeLeadership #kotter
#betacodex #change #transformation #openspacebeta #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #vfot #agile #Lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #changeleadership #kotter
We gave the #BetaCodex YouTube channel another pretty good overhaul. It now looks completely different - with a lot more videos in #English on display right at first sight. Take a look and please share!
#betacodex #leadership #transformation #organizationaldevelopment #orgdev #orgdesign #agile #lean #scrum #teal #agility #newleadership #newwork #futureofleadership #beyondbudgeting
#betacodex #english #leadership #transformation #organizationaldevelopment #orgdev #orgdesign #agile #Lean #scrum #teal #agility #newleadership #newwork #futureofleadership #beyondbudgeting
Command-and-control, or Alpha organization (a.k.a. #management) induces #irrational behavior in people. Not stupid, but irrational!
To #blame those people for behaving the way they do is not just irrational. It is also stupid.
Here is how we can overcome #AlphaCodex systems, and get to rational, sound #BetaCodex systems that can produce high performance:
#betacodex #agile #agility #leadership #newleadership #newwork #democracy #selforganization #management #scrum
#management #irrational #blame #alphacodex #betacodex #agile #agility #leadership #newleadership #newwork #democracy #selforganization #scrum
Command-and-control, or Alpha organization (a.k.a. #management) induces #irrational behavior in people. Not stupid, but irrational!
To #blame those people for behaving the way they do is not just irrational. It is also stupid.
Here is how we can overcome #AlphaCodex systems, and get to rational, sound #BetaCodex systems that can produce high performance:
#betacodex #agile #agility #leadership #newleadership #newwork #democracy #selforganization #management #scrum
#management #irrational #blame #alphacodex #betacodex #agile #agility #leadership #newleadership #newwork #democracy #selforganization #scrum
Much updated!
The #BetaCodex channel on YouTube:
#change #transformation #agile #agility #lean #beyondbudgeting #orgdev #orgdesign #leadership #newwork #futureofleadership #selforganization #decentralization #openspacebeta #newleadership #eodf #odf #orgphysics
#betacodex #change #transformation #agile #agility #Lean #beyondbudgeting #orgdev #orgdesign #leadership #newwork #futureofleadership #selforganization #decentralization #openspacebeta #newleadership #eodf #odf #OrgPhysics