"Under Issoufou, opposed the 2011 NATO intervention to dislodge Khadafi, predicting it would destroy Libya and set off a security and migration crisis in the region. But when the prophesy came true, Issoufou decided to seek the help of the West to contain the fallout."

Rule by Junta


#niger #rahmaneidrissa #coupdetatauniger #sahel #geopolitique #nigercoup #newleftreview

Last updated 1 year ago

🎧 "[Power to the People] was written by Lennon in response to an interview he gave to and [@ ] published in .

As Lennon explained: 'I just felt inspired by what they said, although a lot of it is . So I wrote 'Power to the People' the same way I wrote 'Give Peace a Chance,' as something for the people to sing. I make singles like broadsheets. It was another quickie, done at Ascot.'" — @Wikipedia


#UK #eddiefm #gobbledygook #redmole #newleftreview #robinblackburn #TariqAli

Last updated 1 year ago

"The problem, the Dardennes’ films suggest, is not simply a world that cannot offer us safety, but our irredeemable desire for it. [..] Their characters are caught in what Berlant would call a state of ‘cruel optimism’, wedded to hopes and desires that post-industrial capitalism cannot deliver."

After Solidarity


#freresdardenne #jeanpierredardenne #lucdardenne #cineastes #cinema #cinemabelge #cinemaengage #newleftreview

Last updated 1 year ago

"To be sure, this total lack of scruples recalls the attitude of the Nietzschean Übermensch, for whom everything is permissible. [..] His desire is to oversee a permanent secession not of the plebs from the patriciate, as occurred in ancient Rome (as in the fable of Menenius Agrippa) but of the patriciate from the plebs."


Capital’s Militant


#marcoderamo #peterthiel #techmoguls #siliconvalley #thiel #palantir #newright #techbros #paypalmafia #newleftreview

Last updated 1 year ago

"The French filmmaker often refers to her work as an attempt to draw attention to the margins. Marginality does not, as her films make clear, suggest inferior status. It can exist on both vertical and horizontal axes."

"Je ne sais pas"


#newleftreview #cineastes #cinemaengage #cinemafrancais #cinema #saintomer #alicediop

Last updated 1 year ago

"The elites are fond of dangling a grass-coloured future in front of us – deodorized, disinfected and depolluted thanks to and . But to produce sufficient we’d have to cover the earth with soy plantations, definitively deforesting the planet .. "



#newleftreview #PrivateJets #inequality #greentransition #greenwashing #greencapitalism #sustainabletransport #marcoderamo #biofuel #electriccars #biofuels

Last updated 1 year ago

🌳ybaumy 🌳🐈‍⬛ · @ybaumy
131 followers · 750 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

"Washington’s role as guardian of global capital (..) is conterminous with what environmental historians call ‘the ’. The advent of the ‘’ and the spread of American-led are intertwined. As such, the ’s deadly atmospheric legacy far outstrips the effect of its own emissions."

Green ?


#sidecar #newleftreview #militarism #militarization #militaryemissions #climatechange #empire #pentagon #transnationalcapitalism #anthropocene #greatacceleration

Last updated 2 years ago

William Bell · @Billybobbell
6 followers · 165 posts · Server twit.social

"While international diplomats spend their time debating their preferred solutions in an endless series of meetings, Libya’s nascent elite is creating a new reality on the ground."

Fascinating article about Realpolitik in the new from the


#libya #newleftreview

Last updated 2 years ago

"According to a 2017 study, total has dropped by 75% in the last 25 years. [...] There are many causes for this decline, but is certainly one, because the majority of are nocturnal. We don’t realize it, but illuminated are a major migratory destination for insects from the countryside. Light also disturbs their reproductive rituals."

"Starless Sky"


#biodiversity #health #lightpollution #newleftreview #marcoderamo #cities #insects #artificiallighting #insectbiomass

Last updated 2 years ago