Rick Ross held a #ghetto car show!  Beautiful cars, well loved & cherished. If only these blacks put the same level of personal pride & prize into #education
Ghettoizing the Italian cars is heartbreaking!
#rickross  #carshow  #promiseland  #gunviolence  #newmoney #atlanta #blackculturecelebration #carculture
#carculture #blackculturecelebration #atlanta #newmoney #gunviolence #promiseland #carshow #rickross #education #ghetto
Rick Ross held a #ghetto car show! Sea of hood rats yet no one got shot. #itispossible
His neighbours must love him!
#newmoney #gunviolence #promiseland #carshow #rickross #itispossible #ghetto
Future Money Ends All Wars https://paulio10.wordpress.com/2023/01/18/future-money-ends-all-wars/
#NewMoney #FutureMoney #Abundance #VotingMoney #MoneyVoting #NetPositiveMoney #EndWar #StopWar #NoMoreWar #Happiness #FutureSuccess #FutureOfHumanity #FutureHumanity #FutureWorld #Regeneration #SharingResources #NatureRegeneration
#newmoney #futuremoney #abundance #votingmoney #moneyvoting #netpositivemoney #endwar #stopwar #nomorewar #happiness #futuresuccess #futureofhumanity #futurehumanity #futureworld #regeneration #sharingresources #natureregeneration
Energy works properly: spend a lot of energy exercising today, you have MORE energy tomorrow.
Hide in bed and don't do anything today, you have LESS energy tomorrow.
This is the normal way that things operate in nature, in our universe.
It only makes sense.
So, Money is the opposite of Energy! Money is Negative Energy, today.
How do we make a #newmoney in our society to fix this?