The Nicolas Cage movie THE OLD WAY (2023) is currently on sale for $9.99 on Prime Video and Vudu.
#TheOldWay #NicolasCage #NewMovies #2023Movies
I've been waiting for this.
#2023movies #newmovies #nicolascage #theoldway
Welcome back to another Ozzy Man celeb interview. This time I chat with fair dinkum legends Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult about Renfield (out in Australia on May 25).
Nicolas Cage Being Iconic [FEAT. Nicholas Hoult] #CelebInterviews #NewMovies #Renfield #Dracula
#dracula #Renfield #newmovies #celebinterviews
I bought/watched PILLOW PARTY MASSACRE (2023) on Prime Video and liked it. It really worked for me. It does the things.
#pillowpartymassacre #calvinmoriemccarthy #HorrorCommunity #HorrorMovies #2023movies #newmovies #slumberpartymassacre
#slumberpartymassacre #newmovies #2023movies #horrormovies #horrorcommunity #calvinmoriemccarthy #pillowpartymassacre
I saw RENFIELD (2023) tonight! Man that was amazing. I had high hopes for the movie and it blew me away. It did things I didn't expect. Nicholas Hoult was great as the lead. Nicolas Cage was amazing as Dracula. Awkwafina was great as always! This was so much fun!!!
#renfield #dracula #universalmonsters #universalpictures #nicolascage #nicholashoult #awkwafina #horrorcommunity #horrormovies #horrorfilms #newmovies #2023movies
#2023movies #newmovies #horrorfilms #horrormovies #horrorcommunity #awkwafina #nicholashoult #nicolascage #universalpictures #universalmonsters #dracula #renfield
I saw RENFIELD (2023) tonight! Man that was amazing. I had high hopes for the movie and it blew me away. It did things I didn't expect. Nicholas Holt was great as the lead. Nicolas Cage was amazing as Dracula. Awkwafina was great as always! This was so much fun!!!
#renfield #dracula #universalmonsters #universalpictures #nicolascage #nicholasholt #awkwafina #horrorcommunity #horrormovies #horrorfilms #newmovies #2023movies
#2023movies #newmovies #horrorfilms #horrormovies #horrorcommunity #awkwafina #nicholasholt #nicolascage #universalpictures #universalmonsters #dracula #renfield
Hitting VOD at Midnight!!!
Pillow Party Massacre (2023)
#pillowpartymassacre #HorrorCommunity #horrorfilms #horrormovies #newmovies #2023movies
#2023movies #newmovies #horrormovies #horrorfilms #horrorcommunity #pillowpartymassacre
I need you to watch Marc Bernardin's short SPLINTER (2023) because this movie has been living in my head all day. It asks a moral question I didn't notice until much later. #splintermovie #marcbernardin #fatmanbeyond #kevinsmith #newmovies #2023movies
#2023movies #newmovies #kevinsmith #FatmanBeyond #marcbernardin #splintermovie
There is the potential for a truly awesome #deadspace movie
But there is also the potential for something more horrendous than a necromorph.
Really had hoped John Carpenter would have got his wish to make it.
#deadspacemovie #newmovies #videogames
#videogames #newmovies #deadspacemovie #deadspace
Watching COCAINE BEAR (2023) on Peacock. Will follow it up with @marcbernardin's SPLINTER (2023) which I backed on Kickstarter.
#cocainebear #splinter #marcbernardin #newmovies #2023movies #kickstarter #fatmanbeyond #peacocktv
#PeacockTV #FatmanBeyond #kickstarter #2023movies #newmovies #marcbernardin #splinter #cocainebear
Watching COCAINE BEAR (2023) on Peacock. Will follow it up with @marcbernardin's SPLINTER (2023) which I backed on Kickstarter.
#cocainbear #splinter #marcbernardin #newmovies #2023movies #kickstarter #fatmanbeyond
#FatmanBeyond #kickstarter #2023movies #newmovies #marcbernardin #splinter #cocainbear
I saw The Super Mario Bros Movie with my stepdad and nephews today. We all had a good time.
#supermariobros #nintendo #illumination #dothemario #2023movies #newmovies
#newmovies #2023movies #DoTheMario #illumination #nintendo #supermariobros
Now I am excited!
A new Wes Anderson film is due in June! “Asteroid City” has a stellar cast, as always, stunning images, as always, and judging from this trailer, one commentator seems to be spot on: “Just when you don’t think it can get more Wes Anderson, it gets more Wes Anderson.”
Thanks 🙏 @luthien1126
for bringing this to my attention with your post
#Film #Films #Movie #Movies #NewFilms #NewMovies #Cinema #AsteroidCity #WesAnderson #ScarlettJohansson #JasonSchwartzman #TildaSwinton #TomHanks #EdwardNorton #AdrienBrody #LievSchreiber #HopeDavis #MattDillon #WillemDafoe #MargotRobbie #JeffGoldblum
#film #films #movie #movies #newfilms #newmovies #cinema #asteroidcity #WesAnderson #scarlettjohansson #jasonschwartzman #tildaswinton #tomhanks #edwardnorton #adrienbrody #lievschreiber #hopedavis #mattdillon #WillemDafoe #margotrobbie #jeffgoldblum
I watched last year's LYLE LYLE CROCODILE (2022) and it's exactly the movie it looks like. Heart-warming family movie about a singing/dancing crocodile. Basically Mary Poppins.
The problem is that every song sounds like the radio crap when Fun had their hit song Some Nights. Also an America's Got Talent type show is also part of the plot.
If you've ever seen a movie before, nothing that happens will surprise you, but I had a good time.
#lylelylecrocodile #newmovies #2022movies #familymovies
#familymovies #2022movies #newmovies #LyleLyleCrocodile
I watched CANDY LAND (2023) and I have to say it's aces. The sex worker girls are humans worth knowing. The killer is interesting/compelling. The craft in this movie is well done. Feels like an R-rated episode of Peacock's Poker Face w/o Charlie Cale.
#candyland #candyland2023 #candyland2022 #horrorcommunity #horrorfilm #newmovies #gorrormovirs #slasherfilms #candylandmovie #2023movies #peacock #peacocktv #pokerface #charliecale #sexworkers
#sexworkers #charliecale #pokerface #PeacockTV #peacock #2023movies #candylandmovie #slasherfilms #gorrormovirs #newmovies #horrorfilm #horrorcommunity #candyland2022 #candyland2023 #candyland
Warner Bros ontwikkelt meerdere nieuwe Lord of the Rings-films
#WarnerBros #LordOfTheRings #NewMovies
#newmovies #lordoftherings #warnerbros
Yibo says he's coming to see us, y'all! One more week for North American fans!
#hiddenblade #WangYibo #newmovies #ComingSoon
#hiddenblade #WangYibo #newmovies #ComingSoon
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
#HiddenBlade #WangYibo #WuMing #1940s #newmovies #ComingSoon #SpyThriller #tonyleung #thegodfather
#hiddenblade #WangYibo #wuming #1940s #newmovies #ComingSoon #SpyThriller #tonyleung #thegodfather
Shudder's SORRY ABOUT THE DEMON (2023) is a lot of fun and rarely scary.
#shudder #sorryaboutthedemon #horrormovies #2023films #newmovies #2023movies #shudderoriginal
#shudderoriginal #2023movies #newmovies #2023films #horrormovies #sorryaboutthedemon #shudder
More Culture Club picks!
Panelist @jonnyminogue will feel confident in his choice to remain childless while he watches the AI dystopian film M3GAN, in theaters this weekend! Chucky really was only child’s play. #GPCDCultureClub #newmovies #AIrunamuck #film #PopCulture #Chucky #M3GAN
#m3gan #chucky #popculture #film #airunamuck #newmovies #gpcdcultureclub