Jen Mc 🏳️‍🌈🇦🇺 · @JenMc
462 followers · 2219 posts · Server

I live in a two storey home and the bedrooms are upstairs, with the kitchen downstairs. I spend a lot of time in my room, be it working (when I’m able), resting, escaping sensory overstimulation, fighting my way through a pain flare etc.

After much encouragement from a friend, I finally bought a bedroom kettle. Being able to get up and easily make a cup of tea whenever I want over the last week has been so good. I’m loving it so much. No more trying to get back up the stairs without spillage.

I even treated myself to a couple of new mugs to celebrate. One holds 500ml for when I need a bumper tea hit/it’s especially hard to get up.

#bedroomkettlesarethebomb #whydidiwaitsolong #tea #newmugs #spoonielife #littlethingsmakemehappy #convenience #pinkthingsmakemehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara · @rizzo
3 followers · 79 posts · Server

On this day of Xmas…

#stillxmas #newmugs

Last updated 2 years ago