Jo Etzel · @JosetAEtzel
307 followers · 346 posts · Server

A methods paper of mine is now at . This little demonstrates human task quality control, as part of the FMRI Open QC Project (which I hope to discuss at and elsewhere as it wraps up).

Its supplemental ( may be of interest to folks, particularly if looking for examples of and/or scripts aiming to minimize dependencies and maximize long-term usability.

#graphics #knitr #baseR #rstats #OHBM #fmri #newneuropaper

Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
636 followers · 82 posts · Server

Hot off the press! 🔥​

We performed a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies looking at interpersonal neural synchronization (INS) and contextualized the results using diverse public databases to develop new hypotheses on physiological processes potentially involved in INS.

Super-short summary: We report spatial convergence of INS in the right TPJ and left ventral PFC and find preliminary evidence for associations of INS with mentalizing and attention brain networks, GABA-mediated E/I balance, and disordered neurodevelopment.

What is he talking about, you ask? See below ⏬​


@neuroscience @neuro @cognition @fmri @phdstudents @academicchatter

#newpaper #paperthread #neuroscience #neuro #psych #psychiatry #psychology #cognition #brain #communication #neuropaper #neuropaperthread #newneuropaper #science #research #dataviz #datascience

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonathan Peelle · @jpeelle
1132 followers · 174 posts · Server

FIRMM software provides real-time and summary feedback about motion during . Although this can reduce motion during resting state studies, what about task studies?

Real-time feedback reduces participant motion during task-based fMRI

We pseudorandomly assigned participants to receive motion feedback, or not, during an fMRI study of spoken word recognition. We found feedback associated with modest-but-significant reductions in motion (framewise displacement), particularly for high-motion frames. For some studies, it could be that giving participants feedback about their motion will improve data quality.


#fmri #newneuropaper #newpaperneuro

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonathan Peelle · @jpeelle
1127 followers · 164 posts · Server

Happy to share that this paper from Loretta Norton, Adrian Owen, and colleagues—which I had a small role in—is now out! (1/)

In this paper, we used to assess the cognitive functions of people with acute disorders of consciousness, such as coma (following up on a mountain of prior work in chronic disorders of consciousness, much from Adrian's lab).

Functional Neuroimaging as an Assessment Tool in Critically Ill Patients


#fmri #newpaper #newneuropaper #newpaperneuro

Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
623 followers · 70 posts · Server

@NicoleCRust @kendmiller

I’d be in on and . Although I’d prefer bc grammar 😋.

And I am not sure how much sense it makes to let a single field „claim“ a very general tag such as . It would be more elegant to establish a convention for all fields, i.e., for field-independent use, or for the Sigmoidians. Sorry folks 👀

#neuropaperthread #neuronewpaper #newneuropaper #paperthread #mlpaperthread #aipaperthread

Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
623 followers · 70 posts · Server

(I realize that some of these suggestions would best be used simulatenously, e.g., and have obviously different content. What I am searching for is a common tag for *threads* explaining research articles, not only posts announcing a new publication 🙂.
I had to drop one tag bc of the 5-option limit in polls, and I went for as it was my own suggestion.)

Some further thoughts:
One could combine these tags in a standardized way with research field names, e.g. , , or .
Also, please remember to use or notation in these tags for screenreader accessibility!

Tagging some people who responded to my first post (sorry for bothering you!):
@mwt @toddhorowitz @achterbrain @PessoaBrain @elduvelle @Brendanjones @gdiak @EricLawton @annettamallon @UlrikeHahn @ryneches @x1l3f @nyates314 @bsweber @ArneBab @tfardet @emergentnexus @DrAnneCarpenter @f @harcel @MarkHanson @Iris

#newpaper #preprint #mastoprint #newneuropaper #neuropreprint #neuropaperthread #camelcase

Last updated 2 years ago